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Old 12-16-10, 11:58 AM   #1
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ETB shed

I have a question for the experience ETB keepers. How long do they usually take to go through their shed cycle?
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Old 12-17-10, 09:01 AM   #2
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Re: ETB shed

It depends on the age and size of the snake. My ETBs, who are both adult males, will cloud up over the course of a week and then shed a few days after clearing. The whole process for them takes about a week and a half.
Dr. Viper
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Old 12-17-10, 09:02 AM   #3
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Re: ETB shed

But young ETBs, which are growing and shedding more frequently, can shed within a week, and some older adults take two weeks or more to go through the cycle fully.
Dr. Viper
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Old 12-17-10, 09:20 AM   #4
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Re: ETB shed

Originally Posted by Will0W783 View Post
But young ETBs, which are growing and shedding more frequently, can shed within a week, and some older adults take two weeks or more to go through the cycle fully.
Hmm. I have a little neonate about 4 months old that I THINK has been going through a shed for at least two weeks now. I though I saw his eyes cloud over and his skin get that faded look, but now he's just in the wrinkled skin phase.

My temps are 82 on the cool side and about 85.5 on the warm side. Humidity NEVER falls below 75% although it dries up quicker now since the cold weather has started. I mist his enclosure and him directly at least once a day now that I THINK he is in shed. His last meal was a fuzzy on Nov. 18.

Any thoughts?
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Old 12-17-10, 10:49 AM   #5
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Re: ETB shed

Neonates are far more delicate than adults. What I've seen a lot of breeders do with neonates until they're almost a year old, or until they sell, is to keep about a half an inch of fresh water on the bottom of the enclosure. This helps to really keep humidity up- you want it higher than 75% for a neonate from what I understand. I would need to see pictures of your setup to give you better advice- what kind of hygrometer do you have? If you just have one of the stick-on kinds, they're crap and not accurate. If you have a digital one, that's ok. I've seen the stick-on ones read 80% in a tank that was actually closer to 40%. It only really reads what the humidity is directly on the dial. Digital ones are much more accurate.

Please post some pictures of your setup and I can try to see if there's anything else I might suggest. If he starts to shed skin and it isn't coming off in one piece, then you know you have an issue. If he does shed and it's in one piece, then you're ok.
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Old 12-17-10, 12:43 PM   #6
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Re: ETB shed

This is the thread showing my setup. I usually keep the humidity up around 80% but it doesn't stay up there as constantly as it did in the summer. there is always and inch or two of water under the soil to keep it moist for and to help with humidity.
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Old 12-17-10, 02:37 PM   #7
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Re: ETB shed

Ok, well it sounds like you are doing everything right. Just give him some time, and see how his shed comes off. Keep an eye on him if he doesn't start eating again soon...neonate ETBs are notorious for being total pains to keep eating and healthy.
Dr. Viper
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Old 12-17-10, 03:09 PM   #8
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Re: ETB shed

Yeah so i've heard and so i'm experiencing. I've had to assist feed him a couple of times. Thankfully there was no regurgitation. He's good in every other way. Moves around actively and regularly at night, chills with nice tight coils during the day and is always able to find a hiding spot behind or under a leaf to feel secure. I'll just wait him out and see what happens. might try to feed him this weekend.

Thanks for the help.
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