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Old 04-13-10, 09:12 AM   #1
slainte mhath
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best camera to buy ???

the camera i use at the moment is just an average family camera for taking holliday,special occasions and just general shots for the family album.i find myself taking 20 to 30 shots,sometimes more just to get 1 decent picture of my wife and kids are going to chip in and buy me a better camera for xmas.what is the best reasonabley priced camera for taking pictures of my snakes.its mostly indoors i would be using it.i would like to be able do close ups like head shots or even eyeball shots.i would also like to do whole body would have to reasonabley priced as well.£200 to £250 that translates to $294 to $367.50 in american dollars.any help you can give me in making my mind up would be much appreciated.
my thanks in advance shaun
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Old 04-13-10, 09:17 AM   #2
slainte mhath
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Re: best camera to buy ???

forgot to say the british pound has pretty much the same exchange rate in canada as it does in the usa.

canada = 1.48 dollars to the pound

usa = 1.47 dollars to the pound

these figures were taken from todays paper,wednesday 13th april.
cheers shaun
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Old 04-13-10, 09:42 AM   #3
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Re: best camera to buy ???

I have found many cameras that take nice photos for that price range.

Our little 10 megapixel Sanyo was under $200 and takes nice pictures, with photo software you can make really brilliant pictures for publishing.
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Old 04-13-10, 03:54 PM   #4
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Re: best camera to buy ???

You might get a second hand Canon 350D if you could push the price just a wee bit. My 350D has just changed everything, bloody miricle working device it is....
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Old 04-13-10, 05:44 PM   #5
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Re: best camera to buy ???

I use a Nikon coolpix. It's not to bad. Got it on sale for $90.00. 10 mega pix.
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Old 04-13-10, 06:06 PM   #6
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Re: best camera to buy ???

Someday I would love a digital SLR camera, just not in the cards right now.
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Old 04-13-10, 06:56 PM   #7
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Re: best camera to buy ???

John, my fiance, has a Canon Rebel digital SLR he got off Ebay for only like $200. I recommend eBay-you might find one is not so far out of your reach.
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Old 04-14-10, 06:22 AM   #8
slainte mhath
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Re: best camera to buy ???

thanks for all your advice folks.feebo does the one your talking about have removable lenses like the old style 35mm cameras have ? i got this one recommended on a british forum.there was some amazing pictures in the post taken with this type of camera.its inside most mines will be taken so i'm trying to find out how good it does that.

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cheers shaun
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Old 04-14-10, 06:38 AM   #9
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Re: best camera to buy ???

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
Someday I would love a digital SLR camera, just not in the cards right now.
if i'm good santa's going to bring me one mate.if not it would be out my range right now as every spare penny i can come up with is for a pair of 05 diamond pythons i'm trying to buy.i just found out today they were bred in italy.they were the breeders holdbacks.the only reason he's selling them is because he says the italians have changed the laws on keeping big pythons.the guy has an amazing collection built up over years and years of selective buying.its such a shame he's having to part with most of them due to this new law...!! oh 1 last thing the females a black and white diamond,the males a yellow.he also has paperwork to back up their bloodline to a specific locale.its a dream come true if i manage to pull off funding this pair.that would give me my own high yellow female,his black and white female and his high yellow male.i'd be content with owning only these 3 snakes if it comes to it.then build my morelia collection back up.i have put my bredl's and my last jungle up for sale to try and pull this dream off.i'm like a kid at christmas,stomach full of butterflys ( in fact its more like sea gulls than butterflys ).sorry i'm way off topic,cant control myself i'm so close yet so far, ie ive found the perfect diamonds yet my finances are really,really toilling...!! will let you guys know asap,fingers crossed its good news.i can get an 07 male and 06 female for a very good price (much cheaper) but all i keep thinking is the 05's would most likely produce next season (and their bloodlines traceable) i couldnt ask for more.why is my country suffering a credit crunch right when all the good stuff comes up.i live in hope...!!
cheers shaun
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Old 04-14-10, 11:08 AM   #10
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Re: best camera to buy ???

It does have removable lenses yes, the Americans call the Canon 350D the "Rebel XT" They`ve got to do it haven`t they lol Anyway, you`ve seen my pictures, that camera is excrement hot. (Not quite the same ring to that eh) lol
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Old 04-14-10, 02:28 PM   #11
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Re: best camera to buy ???

That's what my fiance has- Canon Rebel XT- it's a great camera! He hardly ever lets me use it, he hides it and only brings it out when he wants to take pictures, but his camera skills are good, so I can't complain too much. I'll let him get all up close and personal with a flash in the snakes' faces....hehehe
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Old 04-20-10, 11:58 AM   #12
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Re: best camera to buy ???

Originally Posted by Feebo View Post
It does have removable lenses yes, the Americans call the Canon 350D the "Rebel XT" They`ve got to do it haven`t they lol Anyway, you`ve seen my pictures, that camera is excrement hot. (Not quite the same ring to that eh) lol

sounds good mate,does the lense that comes with it take pic's like the ones you've posted.or do i have to buy a different lense ?
cheers shaun
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Old 04-20-10, 11:59 AM   #13
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Re: best camera to buy ???

Originally Posted by Will0W783 View Post
That's what my fiance has- Canon Rebel XT- it's a great camera! He hardly ever lets me use it, he hides it and only brings it out when he wants to take pictures, but his camera skills are good, so I can't complain too much. I'll let him get all up close and personal with a flash in the snakes' faces....hehehe
maybe its the cameras skills and your fiance is blagging it willow ? fair point you made about the flash,i wouldnt fancy one of yours tagging my nose,haha
cheers shaun
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Old 04-20-10, 12:45 PM   #14
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Re: best camera to buy ???

It doesn't really bother them. I have a friend who is a photographer, and she's come over twice to do photo sessions of the snakes, and only one seemed bothered by the flash, and that was my YB female BP, who seemed afraid and coiled up tightly with her head hidden.
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Old 04-20-10, 02:12 PM   #15
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Re: best camera to buy ???

Most of my animals are so used to the flash that the don't even notice anymore.
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