Re: Morellia Spilota - red belly
Your snake most likely has a belly burn yep if not its scale rot. Scale rot is an infection usually cause by being kept too wet or in too unsainitary conditions. You need to for sure know what the exact temps are for starters to prevent any further burn damage to the snake if that indeed is what it is, most likely. Thats as simple as holding your hand on the pad for a few minutes. If it feels too hot for your hand at all it is way too hot for the snake. Anyway gut the entire enclosure & sterilize it with bleach & rinse & air it out well after doing so. Then set it up with clean papertowel as substrate, a simple hide or 2 & a nice big waterbowl big enough for soaking in. Ensure you know the exact temp & that it is safe for the snake! You should likely bathe the snake as well. Do so in 80-90F water which is not "luke warm" but actually slightly cool to the touch. We as humans are almost 100F so if its warm at all its too hot. I don't know whats available to you over there but there is a prodcut called betadine here its kind of red like iodine & it should be used in the baths as well just enough to give the water a tea like appearence. You could use iodine if you had too. Also after a bath here a product we would use is Polysporin, its a medical ointment that is vasoline like & comes in a tube. Used for scrapes, abrasions & burns. You can apply it to the snakes belly after a bath. There is a good chance it has already developed a secondary infection as a result of these wounds. If doing the above does not start to clear it up right away a Vet trip for antibiotics is definitely in order ASAP. Basically your snakes problem is directly related to its husbandry. One must ensure things are kept properly or the snake will suffer as a dirst result as is the case here. Hate to be harsh but this was most likely avoidable, Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at