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Old 03-22-04, 05:00 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2004
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Unhappy i have a concern

i just bought an andean milk snake about 2 weeks ago and as you might tell im new to all of this. Ill get to the point. I was told by the store i baught him frome what he eats and the size mouse i should give him. I was also told all of the ness like temp and feeding times and all that good stuff. so 1 week gose by and well its time to feed hem so i do, everything it fine he killed it and ate it no biggy. well week 2 rolls around and i feed him agen and same thing he killed it and ate it no prob but this time one day passes and boom he barffes it up. then he poops right after as if he digested some but not all. Now my question is this why whould hed do that? One other this is that my snakes skin its all milky and his eyes are cloudy as well is this a sing of shedding and cou;d this be the reason he regergtated the food? I awate any respons and thank you for reading my shpeal. thanks agan
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Old 09-17-05, 03:18 PM   #2
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You answered your own question. Sounds like the snake is going through a shed cycle. Wait it out, let the snake shed, it's normal, then continue with feedings.

I'm also moving this thread over too the "Lampropeltis" catagory, so you can find it there if you need to read the responses.
"Hi my name is Rich, and im a snakeaholik."
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Old 09-22-05, 02:18 PM   #3
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If all husbandry is correct chances are it is because of the shed cycle. Milk snakes can be very nervous specimens especailly when in shed. quite often if they are spooked or feel threatened during or right after a meal they will puke it up. They will also puke if temps are too high or low or if the meal is too large. Also I seriously recomend not feeding it live prey, bad idea. See if it will take FT or fresh killed. Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at
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