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Old 07-14-05, 09:56 PM   #1
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Getting hatchling to eat?

Out of the 12 baby JCP's that hatched on 6/25, six have taken a F/T fuzzy mice.
The other 6 have not eaten. I tried feeding them again today and only 2 have taken the F/T fuzzy mice. I tried wiggling them about an inch from them and nothing, I decided to leave them in the tubs overnight. I think this weekend I'll go buy some live fuzzy mice and see how that works, at least to get them started.

None of my Boas have refused any of their meals.
Any recomendations?
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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Old 07-14-05, 10:14 PM   #2
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My suggestion is trying a variety of items. Mice-Rats-Frozen Thawed-Live. See where that gets you.
"Hi my name is Rich, and im a snakeaholik."
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Old 07-15-05, 12:18 AM   #3
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Live pinky rats or live fuzzy mice for 3 feedings, then its F/T after that. Almost 100% switch over rate. Carpets don't get the "live" bug like Ball Pythons and other snakes. I don't worry about the switch to dead. I just worry about getting 3 quick meals into them. I don't sell them until their 8th-10th meal anyways, so they've had 5 or 6 F/T meals by selling time.

Best of luck!!!
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Old 07-15-05, 12:43 AM   #4
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I had the same problem with two sibling carpets I picked up last year. One ate every time I held a f/t mouse in front of him, the other just smelled it and turned his head away. I finally got him to eat by cutting the head of the mouse so the flesh was visible on its forehead and warmed it in hotter water than ever before. That did the trick, and after 4 meals, he is eating normally and the switch to rats was done with no hesitation on his part.
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Old 07-15-05, 07:08 PM   #5
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I tried some live fuzzy mice this afternoon and got a few strikes out of the ones that haven't taken F/T, but they aren't constricting. They strike the fuzzies a few times and lose interest, I'll leave them overnight and see if they get motivated.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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Old 07-15-05, 08:02 PM   #6
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I had that problem too with my baby Hogg Islands Boas last year. When all else fails, crack an egg in a bowl and dip a q-tip in the yolk and spread the yolk along the back of the fuzzy. Snakes cannot resist the smell of bird. :-)
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Old 07-15-05, 08:42 PM   #7
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Afternoon? That's your problem. The babies aren't in feeding mode. They are in defence mode because you are now bothering them when they should be sleeping.

Sometimes you have to leave the fuzzies in for 2 days. Sometimes FOUR days. Its up to YOU to adapt to THEIR ways, not the other way around.
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Old 07-17-05, 08:51 AM   #8
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Well, one out of the six that haven't eaten did eat a fuzzy last night. I left the fuzzies in the 6 enclosures overnight and nothing, except for one.

I agree with what your saying Jeff, I guess I've been used to my boas that eat anything day or night.

I'll leave them alone for 2-3 days and then place a fresh batch of fuzzies in the tubs after 9:00PM and leave them in for 2-3 days without disturbing them.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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Old 07-17-05, 10:31 AM   #9
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Try heating up the head of the prey, this usually always works!
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Old 07-17-05, 11:10 AM   #10
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I'm trying to feed them live now I don't think there's a need to heat them up.
If anything after a few days I may try and wipe them in chicken broth, but I'm sure they'll take the live fuzzies after a few more attempts.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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Old 07-18-05, 11:47 AM   #11
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Well, I placed the live fuzzy mice in the baby JCP enclosures around 9:00PM and last night and as of this afternoon only 1/5 ate. I'll leave the fuzzies in the cage till they get eaten or else, which I think fuzzies can leave without substance for 2-3 days at the most.

In the meantime everyone of my Dumeril Boa babies ate without hesitation.
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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Old 07-19-05, 06:40 AM   #12
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After two nights with the live fuzzies I think these five JCP's have become loving friends with the fuzzy mice, they even sleep with each other thru the night.

I'll try dipping 2 of the fuzzies in chicken broth tonight and see how that goes. Any other ideas? When should I start to worry?
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1
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