Below I have posted pics of the hatchlings from the '05
Tiger x Jag clutch after their fist shed. After carefully studying their characteristics, I have divided them into a few different categories:
Jags (including Hypos),
Siblings, and
Siblings with minor Tiger influence.
There are three I would consider true Tiger-Jags, and they all look like the one we produced last year. Most notably, they have incredible dorsal stripes, beautiful copper/red pattern that fades toward the tail, extremely light and clean ground color, reduced pattern, & orange eyes. I think these animals represent a beautiful blend of the two morphs.
Tiger-Jags (I think the top one is my absolute favorite!)
This one appears to be a Tiger with Jaguar influence. I think Collin said it best; "Looks like the ends of two different snakes were put together, lol."
There are definitely some exquisite Jaguars in this clutch. While most of them are striped, and some have reduced patterns, ...I would not consider these to be actual "Tiger-Jags."
These two look pretty similar to the Tiger-Jags, but they have slightly different/darker colors -- and if you look closely their patterns are a little different, too.
I love this one! clean!!! The white "ovals" going down the laterals are quite unique (Tiger?).
It's amazing to me how many of the Siblings have stripes.