Some pics of my new cornsnakes, all the way from Serpenco... the lavs were the prize for designing the winning logo for the forums.

There are now 2 more lavs in Canada!
<img width="514" height="260" src=",0,0,1,1,514,260,FFFFFF">
Female lavender, formerly known as EGG021422, now 02 Lv 006 F (real names to follow for everybody later).
<img width="323" height="391" src=",0,0,1,1,323,391,FFFFFF">
Male lavender, formerly known as EGG022638, now 02 Lv 005 M.
I couldn't have gotten these guys if it wasn't for Jim Owens carrying them over the border, and Simon Fung shipping them to me from Ontario... and of course Rich Z. for chosing my logo in the 1st place.

Many many thanks!
And, of course, I just <i>couldn't</i> pass up the opportunity to order a couple other babies at the same time... and here they are!
<img width="380" height="352" src=",0,0,1,1,380,352,FFFFFF">
Female butter, formerly EGG021392, now 02 Bu 008 F
<img width="376" height="402" src=",0,0,1,1,376,402,FFFFFF">
Male butter (apparently giving his opinion of traveling), formerly EGG 020095, now 02 Bu 007 M
<img width="315" height="395" src=",0,0,1,1,315,394,FFFFFF">
Male blizzard, formerly EGG020020, now 02 Bl 009 M
<img width="559" height="289" src=",0,0,1,1,559,289,FFFFFF">
And a quick pic of their new home (room for more! *grin*)
<img width="703" height="340" src=",0,0,1,1,703,340,FFFFFF">
More SNAKES, that is... no, you won't get mice if you sit there...