We met up with Bill Love and others on 2/26/05 . After about 10 min. looking under debris and along a few canals and tree lines, I looked over to see my son Russ with this guy. A sub-adult FL king.

Then later he found a really nice adult male king.

check closely at the bottom right and you'll see momma.
In all there were about 7-8 kings seen as well as 3-4 yellow rats, blind snakes, garters,
this very light 17" FL brown snake,

ring necked snakes, leopard frogs, southern toads, narromouths, skinks, the momma 'gator with babies, exotics (like blind snakes and geckos and cuban tree frogs), as well as a bob-tailed young brown water snake.
Under mostly cloudy skies, it was still a great day.