Well took me awhile but I've finally build my boa collection up a little bit. I only searched for the best bloodlines and near adults or adult proven breeders! Cost much more to purchase adults and is very difficult to persuade Breeders to sell them. But all the trouble was worth it. And I really don't have much patience!!

I will be having more added to collection in the near future and will post photos of other morphs that are here when they start breeding. Until then enjoy a few photos of what is Breeding now.
Here's a SHARP Strain Albino Female with a poss DH Sharp Sunglow Salmon male. These should Produce DH Sharp Sunglows and Maybe some of the rare SHARP Sunglows!!! I'm still working with Kahl Strain Albinos and sunglows. They just haven't been doing much yet.
This is a red Salmon Female that I think is beginning to ovulate. She was Bred with the lone male Albino Boa that survived our fire. So she will Produce DH Kahl Strain Sunglows. She's not bad looking, but I have a better girl that blows her away! I'm saving that one for my favourite male. The JUNGLE BOA!!!
This pair was a side project, Will it be SNOWING for me in spring!!

I wasn't even thinking of pairing them up. But when I put them together to do some cleaning the male was all over her!! So I let nature take it's course.
Last but certainly not least is a pair of Proven 99 Het SHARP strain Albinos. Sorry for the bad photo, they seemed annoyed so I didn't want to bother them.
Thanks for looking. More to come once my collection grows, I'm just getting started!!