Hi monty,
but if its a display boa and you enjoy it who cares what others thing, if breeding then you will get alot of cons on that idea more cause it would be a mutt x to what in the future and then those babies are mutts as well. And yes most people think mutts are worth less.
What do you think of salmon hypo would you also consider it a mutt and worthless? They were central american X colombian from the begining but nobody seems to care about it. ( exept for the pure central hypo X central lines that are now available. )
Tony I think you have a cpl of salmons in your collection right? Should we consider them mutts and worthless? If yes well then i'm giving you 5$ for the lot I dont care paying shipping also

Should you keep your hypos only as display animals ( like you said to montie) ? Are you heading for sunglows? I'll make you a better deal than the hypos and i'll give you 10$ each for the sunglows a i'll pay shipping to

I'll keep em as display animals......
*** I'm not a pro- local corsses i like keeping local strains pure ( at least from what is written on the import papers from wholesalers, you never know the true local of the boas until you go in their country and pick em up yourself. Other than that they can come from all over central am from the same farm. ) but I think we should question ourselfs before arguing about it. Salmons, super salmons, sunglows etc... the list goes on and on . all these morphs have central american and colombian BCI in them.
Just my 2 c.