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Old 10-19-02, 12:28 AM   #1
Nikki Gervais
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Talking Malaysian species, what would YOU get?

Hi everyone,
well a rare opportunity came up for me to get some herps from Malaysia, so what to get? I don't even know what all is native to there besides boiga dendrophila ssp, python reticulatus and a few others.

What should I get? Preferably rare species that Canada and the US doesn't see very often. It looks like I am already getting 1.1 python reticulatus, 1.1 boiga dendrophila melanota and 1.1 gonyosoma oxycephala. That is unless there is some reason I cannot get them. So could someone help me out? No CITES 1 species please, I don't have the time to beg for permits LOL. I'm also mostly into snakes and crocs but Malaysia doesn't have any crocs that I could get and properly house at the moment LOL. Also I was offered a king cobra basically free but, I think I'm gonna have to pass up on that offer.

So come on ppl, if you didn't have a mimimum order to make, what would ya get? hehe
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Old 10-19-02, 12:29 AM   #2
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Are you finding the CITES easy for those retics?
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Old 10-19-02, 12:56 AM   #3
Nikki Gervais
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I'm not too sure how CITES works, however I was told that as long as they aren't CITES 1 species it isn't that difficult, or is it?
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Old 10-19-02, 09:26 AM   #4
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There are over 100 species of snakes living within the Malaysian borders. Some that spring to mind are bloods,Green tree pit viper (Trimeresurus gramineus), Temple vipers(Trimeresus wagleri), Whip snake(Ahaetulla prasina) and a few snakes that are all very similar to cat snakes. I want them
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Old 10-19-02, 11:30 AM   #5
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CITES II still require paperwork to bring into Canada, that includes all boids. If this person had told you, then something's a tad fishy. I'd look it up, don't get yourself into trouble.
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Old 10-19-02, 12:06 PM   #6
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Good luck getting a Retic without CITIES paperwork!! Ha ha. Appendix II my friend. DOn't get thrown in jail for a pair of wild caught retics. Not worth it.
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Old 10-19-02, 02:41 PM   #7
Nikki Gervais
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No worries guys/gals, if we can't get the paperwork, I won't get em. I'm more interested in the hots and the rare colubrids anyway since I can get retics over here easy. No worries bout CITES since I have NO intentions of doing it illegally. SO what would you guys get if you could? I wanna make the expensive shipping worth while but I'm not quite sure what else I want to get...

Donny, I know exactly how you feel lol, I wanna get a pair of bloods also but I read they were listed under CITES 2, if I can get the permits tho, I'll get some. The cat snakes, and the vine or whip snakes is what interest me THE most! I'm dyin for a pair of boiga dendrophila melanota, and since they aren't CITES listed, it looks good!
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Old 10-19-02, 10:40 PM   #8
Grant vg
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U want hots?
Arn't u located in Ontario?
The last time i checked they were illegal?
Grant van Gameren
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Old 10-20-02, 11:29 PM   #9
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they still are illegal inontairo if u dont have a lincese for keeping them
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Old 10-21-02, 04:21 AM   #10
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Grant- where was the last place that you checked about the legality of hots in Ontario? I was under the impression that the keeping of venomous species was covered by municipal bylaw not provincial law. If I am wrong please correct me. I was also unaware of the licence that tex01 is talking about. Could you please elaborate on the conditions of this licence?
Snakes are the animal that is most dreamed about by women.........I want to be reincarnated as a snake!
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Old 10-21-02, 06:09 AM   #11
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I haven't actually seen the bylaw with my own two eyes on official city hall stationary, but I was told that hots are legal here in Lindsay... if I had the desire to keep them, I'd look into it, but they're out of my league and I know it... that sort of coincides with the municipal coverage theory right?
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Old 10-21-02, 11:35 AM   #12
Grant vg
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Casacrow, sorry for my generalization,
It is perfectly legal to import/expot any type of venemous snake in Canada, however, there are only a few municipalities that allow the actual keeping of hots.
Well.....actually, there just isn't a law!
But as soon as a hots keeper moves in to a town with no By-law, and some of the locals find out. ....INSTANT-BYLAW!!!
Its instances like this that get pythons and boas banned.....
Cities think, well, we'll re-write the laws and ban Hots, and while were at it we'll ban pythons AND boas too!

Now one place i can think of that doesn't mind hots is Port colbourne.
This is where Mike Barron has moved his dragon farms establishment.
But we wont get into why hes still there and no by-laws have been made.

I dont have the sources that outline whos got what by-laws, etc...
because im not interested in hots, although very beautiful, i dont think they should be kept by private keepers. just my opinion.

But i look at it like this, if a by-law would be enacted in a municipality at the first instance of someone keeping hots. then in my eyes it is already illegal, and it doesn't make sense to try to keep hots just because the by-law doesn't actually state that they're illegal. Knowing that YOU, or whoever in question, could be responsible for MORE laws being made.
And making it worse off for the rest of us.
Many of the ppl who want hots, and who are capable of purchasing hots, arn't experienced enough for it.

I know a guy who keeps a rhino viper in Toronto, i also know the guy who let loose the Hot in Parkdale, Toronto a couple years back.
Both of these guys are hardly what i would consider representatives of the Hots community. But It is these instances that i speak about above.

Now Nikki, I believe u are a young lady, and im assuming ur probably not experienced enough to work with hots.
Do u know where you are gonna get the antivenom?
Do u have the tools to handle hots, do u have the skill and knowledge to be able to keep u, ur snake, ur family and ur neighbourhood safe?
I think if one was to keep hots your family should all know that they are potentially fatal, and should be taken very serious.
Do they know what to do if you get bitten, do they know what to do if they get bitten???
When u go to change there substrate, and have to remove them from the cage, what happens if they get loose and crawl into a vent?
Its things like this that must be taken into consideration very seriously, and IMO no onw should keep hots unless they have a full proof facility.

Anyways, im just ranbling on.
A concerned herper.

Grant van Gameren
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Old 10-21-02, 12:37 PM   #13
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i agree with you 110% grant...well actually 100% because theres nothing more than 100%, so i'm stupid for saying, that i deeply apologize to all whom i offended, thank you...and goodnight
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Old 10-21-02, 12:42 PM   #14
Grant vg
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Old 10-21-02, 01:21 PM   #15
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Here, here Grant .. you are absolutely correct on the 'hots spurring bylaws' issue. Our group out west have run into that many times. Fortunately we have managed to keep most of the bylaws to only banning the hots, but it's a running battle.
Committed to creating safe havens for our scaly friends
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