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Old 07-28-04, 11:33 PM   #1
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Sex confusion?

no, not me

The rats.

Will females act like males at times and actually try to "hump" another female?

I have a couple that I would swear, at their size, they are definate females...But I've caught them humping proven females.


as well, approx. at what size, do male rats start really showing their jewels?

Thanks for the sex help folks
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Old 07-28-04, 11:37 PM   #2
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I saw this a few times too actually... I'm not sure why, probably just a hormone rush and they get confused? You can tell males from females as soon as they're born with practice, but they really start showing it a little while after they are weaned, I find. But you can tell pretty much anytime.
What wierd girls!

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Old 07-29-04, 01:23 AM   #3
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I think it may have something to do with dominance. Many animals mount others and it's not a "sexual" thing. It's a way to show the others who's boss.
Or it could also mean that she's in "heat" and ready to breed and is INCREDIBLY horny...
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Old 07-29-04, 01:50 AM   #4
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Males' testes are visible at around 50-60g.
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Old 07-29-04, 07:15 AM   #5
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thanks folks

Well my females are definately that, as they are above 60g.
I generally look for the nipples, but some you can't see. I've yet to master the sexing art soon. First the whacking, then the sexing LOL.

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Old 07-29-04, 11:25 AM   #6
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I've had my males show their boys anywhere from 3 weeks and up. I've also noticed that sometimes even adults aren't showing very obviously when they are housed in larger, all-boy bins. They are sorta tucked up until I throw them in to a smaller community or in with girls.
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Old 07-29-04, 11:39 AM   #7
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The Alpha female will hump the other females to assert her dominance. If another challenges her, they will fight (kinda like boxing). They will also hump anyone new or recently re-introduced into the colony to be sure they know their place. They do have a pecking order.

Having trouble sexing? You can tell when they are pinks, females have nipples, males do not. Males at any age can suck their testies into themselves when stressed or scared. Same with mice, wait and look at them when they are relaxed, their goolies will be very visable. And it is quite common for a male to have only 1 testicle visable, with one having not yet dropped. I had one male (Tony) who had only one, the other never did drop.

I have been breeding rats for a while, so had to get used to sexing a looooong time ago, lol. Males at an early age will have small lumps just under their tail, even at a week or two of age. Just keep checking

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Old 07-29-04, 12:06 PM   #8
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Males' testes are visible at around 50-60g.
I read that and thought you said "Males testes wheigh in at around 50-60g." I was like whaaaaaat? What thread did I click on?

Tammy Rehbein
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Old 07-29-04, 12:29 PM   #9
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muuwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa ROFLMAO.

combine 60gram testes, and the title of the post LOL
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Old 07-29-04, 12:37 PM   #10
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Considering some of the nasty huge boar rats I've seen that's not much of an exagerration
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