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Old 04-19-04, 01:41 PM   #1
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Price of albino boa constrictor 3 years ago

does anyone know what the price was of an Albino boa constrictor years ago?

I believe they were much higher than they are now (which is understandable since there is more breeding with now) but i was wondering how much

And what about other morphs? Which ones have made a real big drop?
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Old 04-19-04, 02:55 PM   #2
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well the anery boas have gone up in price again this year
last year they were $350 us for a 66% this year they are $400 us and $1000 cdn
thats about all i can tell you
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Old 04-19-04, 03:07 PM   #3
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If by $1000 CDN for Anerys you're referring to the ones Chris Marshell is selling, it's because they are poss. het for snow. An Anery is still only about $400-$600 CDN depending on who you talk to.
- Ken LePage
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Old 04-19-04, 03:56 PM   #4
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the american prices i quoted are also pos het snows too, taken from ralph davis web site

last year they were $350 for 66% pos het snow this year they are $400 66% pos het snow

id like to know who has anerys that are not poss het snow in canada?
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Old 04-19-04, 07:07 PM   #5
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Originally posted by BoAddict

id like to know who has anerys that are not poss het snow in canada?
I believe Mike Perry does, or at least he was selling some neonates a while ago. I've seen some occassionally offered by Henry Piorun as well.
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Old 04-19-04, 10:02 PM   #6
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Ralph's anerys 66% het snows are only $400 each. That's less than $550 CDN with today's exchange rate. I understand that to be the current market price (roughly).
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Old 04-19-04, 11:04 PM   #7
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Your pretty close:

400.00 USD United States Dollars = 538.667 CAD Canada Dollars .

Sill an ouch on wallet, man get rid of the border, lol.


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Old 04-19-04, 11:20 PM   #8
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Heh heh...
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Old 04-19-04, 11:27 PM   #9
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Last year albino boas were going for 1650 each, The market value of them is starting to get back up.
Stictly Constrictors

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Old 04-20-04, 12:43 AM   #10
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I personally think the "market value" for albino boas is utterly ridiculous, since they are almost as common as fricken snow corns now. :P Mind you, if I was producing them this year, I probably woiuld feel differently, lol
- Ken LePage
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Old 04-20-04, 01:02 AM   #11
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TWO people produced albino Boas in Canada last year. How many people produced snow corns? I would say like 30-40 people, MINIMUM.
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Old 04-20-04, 02:12 AM   #12
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So 1650 last year, but how much 3 years ago?
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Old 04-20-04, 04:52 AM   #13
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Albino boas are still going to come down in Canada. Here are the reasons I think why they will come down in Canada, 1: the Canadian market is small and cheap. Cheap by default. There is not a tone of people into snakes in Canada that have a ton of disposable income to spend on snakes that are over a grand.
2: Again with the supply and demand, issue in my first point. Boas are not balls they have large litters, 40+ can be common. The more albinos produced the more there will be available. Lot's of people bought albinos last year. In 5 years this country will be flooded with albino boas. Who's going to buy them? In order to sell them the price will have to drop.
Take for example corns in NB. Two years ago a normal cbb corn in NB from a breeder was $80. That's because there was only one or two people producing them. Now there is at least 4 of us and the price has droped with the rest of the country to $40. Why can't we sell them for $80 any more? Everyone in the province that is already keeping snakes has a corn or three. To sell a corn to the newbie that doesn't care about the quality and only cares about price your corns have to be as low as the other guys. I predict the same fate for albino boas in Canada. In 5 years those who would be willing to spend the money on albinos will already have them. So your only option may be newbies or whole sale.
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Old 04-20-04, 08:49 AM   #14
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Also, most breeders in the U.S have a $2,000 dollar minimum requirement to ship to Canada, Some, also charge to do the paperwork. Then there is your customs charge, along with the taxes and shiping costs.
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Old 04-20-04, 09:04 AM   #15
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Interesting Jeff, I didn't know that you knew EVERY SINGLE BREEDER in this huge Country of ours, and what they produce every year. lol.. I think there were a lot more than 2 people who produced albino boas last year in Canada. Nonetheless, everyone and their dog is producing them this year, and it will just continue to grow exponentially. I think I'll wait for a little while, at least until there is a feasable Canadian market for them.
- Ken LePage
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