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Old 04-15-04, 03:35 PM   #1
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Snakebite @ LOWES!

Lowe's Shopper Bitten By Rattlesnake

POSTED: 10:23 pm EDT April 14, 2004

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. -- The large trees section at a Lowe's store looks a lot like a forest, but customers don't expect to see dangerous fauna living in the flora.

A customer rummaging through the trees at a Lowe's store here was bitten on the hand by an 18-inch eastern diamondback rattlesnake, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday.

"The gentleman thought he had hit his hand on a thorn but they discovered it was a snakebite," said Chris Ahearn, a spokeswoman for the Mooresville, N.C.-based hardware chain.

A relative shopping with the man Sunday killed the snake, and they brought it with them when the customer was taken to a hospital to ensure proper treatment for the poison, Ahearn said.

A hospital official would not provide information without the man's name. Ahearn would not identify the customer.

The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is not one of the five rattlesnake species native to Oklahoma, said David Walker, naturalist supervisor at the Oklahoma City Zoo. Its natural range is in the Southeast.

The rattler can grow as long as 7 feet and often gives warning bites that deliver no venom.

The snake probably made its way to Broken Arrow with the trees, which were shipped in from Tennessee. Ahearn said she knows of no other similar instances at Lowe's.

Store employees immediately scoured the trees for other animals after the snakebite and found none, Ahearn said.

"We feel like this is an isolated incident, but we are taking it very seriously," she said. "We continue to watch our garden centers for uninvited guests."

Someone will be getting a massive check from Lowes very soon...
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Old 04-15-04, 04:08 PM   #2
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I use to work at a Lowes..
Darn the luck.
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Old 04-15-04, 09:49 PM   #3
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Not that exact one eh? Wait, that would be in Broken Bow right?

...... heh
Beau Medlar

Rattlesnakes of Arizona
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Old 04-16-04, 11:07 AM   #4
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Originally posted by C.m.pyrrhus
Not that exact one eh? Wait, that would be in Broken Bow right?

...... heh
Ya it happened in a city called Broken Arrow. I think it's in Oklahoma...
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Old 04-16-04, 11:12 AM   #5
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Once in a while, they find their way up here to. My aunt in Sudbury found a rattler in a plant she bought a few years back...Being Italian, they killed it even before I heard about it....To bad.
Jon Dona

Fox has one of those new reality shows at eight, 'Fast animals, slow children
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