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Old 03-30-04, 06:12 PM   #1
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I was wondering how handlable are cresties? I have been thinking about getting one as I own 7 leos and four beardies. I dont expect them to be as easy or prone to handling as leos but are they easily stressed?
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Old 03-30-04, 06:23 PM   #2
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In general crestied geckos are pretty handleable.
Mine don't seem to get too stressed, however they can be pretty jumpy so watch out.
Heather Rose
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Old 03-30-04, 07:02 PM   #3
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I've got a few Leopard Geckos too and I think Crested Geckos are much more easy to handle. Babies like to jump, but once they're used to being handled, I've found Crested Geckos are easier to handle than any lizard I've ever held.
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Old 03-30-04, 10:18 PM   #4
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i have 3 cresteds 1 male about a year and a half old he doesnt mind being held at all, he is very calm.. 1 female about 8 months old she doesnt like to be handled much at all.... i also have one unsexed which is about a month old... and it is fast and very jumpy but calms down once in your hand.. I really think it depends on how much it has been handled in the past, they also all have different personalities..
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1.0 Veiled Chameleon
1.1.2 Crested Geckos
1.2 Leopard Geckos
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Old 03-30-04, 11:24 PM   #5
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Do there "pads" feel weird?
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Old 03-30-04, 11:43 PM   #6
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Sorta, it's neat. I have a young unsexed juvie and it isn't terrible to handle. It's a little jumpy, I just don't walk around the house with it. I just sit on the floor and I watch it. It jumped up on my face once and it felt kind of itchy. They sorta rear back and jump like frogs a little. They are great IMO. Not the same as Leos in my experience though. My neices have held it under my supervision (6 & 8) and they liked it the best of all my critters. Good luck with yours if you get one. They make great pets.

PS Show some pics if you do
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Old 03-31-04, 12:03 AM   #7
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Cresties are great. They are easy to handle and are probably one of the easiest reptiles to care for and they are quite inexpensive as well. They feel really neat, especially when they are bigger they feel like velvet. Be careful though once you get one you can't stop! I'm selling most of my collection but keeping one for sure. No reptile home should be without a Cresty.
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Old 03-31-04, 12:15 AM   #8
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From the sounds of it im gettin one is it recamended that a UV light is there or can I bring it outside once a week for a couple of hours and put it in my outdore beardie enlozure. It is relativly large has a basking light and a plexi-glass sheet that I use to block the wind so that they dont get cold.
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Old 03-31-04, 12:16 AM   #9
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Oh ya im prob gunna get a pair so that I can breed them how much should that run me? (canadian funds if possible plz)
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Old 03-31-04, 12:23 AM   #10
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If you don't have a well lit area, a UVB light might be beneficial.

A *breeding pair*....a male might run about 90$ CDN and a female upwards of 100-150$ CDN...or more, and all this can depend on colouration. I'm really just guessing from what I've seen and I'm sure someone else can give you a better number
Heather Rose
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Old 04-03-04, 12:48 AM   #11
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Ive got a really little guy. He doesnt reach the length of my finger including tail. The pads on his feet are much softer then the leos claws, and they feel very cool. He will walk around my hands and arms, speedily at some times, but usually calmly. He will only jump if i give him something to jump to. ie: my other hand or my shirt.

Cresteds are great though... I had (have) a 2 year old leo, and I decided to get a crestie. It was a decision i wont forget.
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Old 04-03-04, 12:48 AM   #12
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