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Old 03-31-04, 02:02 PM   #1
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On Monday, I made the choice to put Gus to sleep. I am not sad though, it was the right choice and Gus was ready to go. Anyways the vet was really good, he gave Gus the shot then after Gus was going to sleep he held him in his two hands cupped together until he was sure he was gone. We then took him and buried him in a nice place.

Anyways here are some photos of Gus in his good days, and I hope you all tell someone else how to care for their chameleons as often as possible. Gus lived quite some time but most of his life was about starving and living in the dark unfortuantly.

Gus being cheeky and trying to get away from me!
<img src="">

Eating some crickets a couple weeks after he got here
<img src="">
Enjoying a nice long shower.
<img src="">
Spending some time outside last summer a couple days after I got him, he really enjoyed this and I am glad I was able to get him some real sun after years with nothing but a red lamp for heat.
<img src="">

Anyways that was Gus. I will miss him, but like I said I am not sad because this was the right choice and no one should let an animal "hang on" for their own selfish reasons. Gus will be remembered and hopefully one day my experienes with him will help me out when I own another Chameleon.

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Old 03-31-04, 02:07 PM   #2
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Good for you Marisa. Those pics are wonderful and I'm glad he got to experience life with you, even if only for a short time. Thanks so much for sharing his story. I've never had a chameleon - I'm more of a snake person, but if I ever do decide to get one, I'll be researching lots on here for a long time before I do.
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Old 03-31-04, 02:58 PM   #3
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Marisa thanks for sharing your story. You've done more for him in one year than was given to him his whole life, give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for me.

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Old 03-31-04, 06:48 PM   #4
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Marisa... I'll come out of hiding for this post.

You made the right decision, although I'm sure it was a hard one. I know it's a decision that is never easy for me and my chameleon posse here.

I hope you all tell someone else how to care for their chameleons as often as possible.
You know I will. Consider it done.

My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and yours Marisa. May little Gus rest in peace.

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Old 03-31-04, 07:25 PM   #5
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aw boy, i dont know where to start. Well what you did is probly the best, his life has been rough until you brought him home. You did the best you and you should be proud that you were able to take great care for him.Thanks for sharing the pictures. Rest in peace Gus

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Old 04-01-04, 03:45 PM   #6
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the loss of a pet can be as hard as the loss of a friend or family member. i haven't had a chance to get that close to my chams yet, but i went through a similar experience with my dog a few years ago, and it tore me apart. i know what you're going through. nobody can take away the memories.
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