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Old 03-01-04, 02:53 PM   #1
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Are their any Kings or Milks that can live in a 15 qt as an adult?

15-quart boxes are 11" W x 17" D x 6"
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"
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Old 03-01-04, 03:24 PM   #2
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Some of the smaller milks should be fine in there.
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Old 03-01-04, 04:09 PM   #3
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Unless there is a reason you strongly desire to use that size tub, I would recommend using Sterilite model #1856, for almost any colubrid is fine in those (cept maybe a large pituophis or the like), and they are not to large as well. Any king or milk will do fine in those. Wal-mart sells them for about $2.64 each, not a bad deal.
Beau Medlar

Rattlesnakes of Arizona
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Old 03-01-04, 04:20 PM   #4
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Some of the smaller Mtn. King species would be my recomendation as they stay considerably smaller than Milks etc. & are highly underrated. Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 03-01-04, 05:43 PM   #5
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Mountain Kings rock! I would highly recommend them as well. They are my personal favorite Lampropeltis species, just splendid snakes to keep. They are very hardy in my opinion, and take to mice and rats very easy.

This here is my male L.p.pyromelana, and is in the standard Sterilite # 1856, and is on a diet of rats pinks at about 4-5 days old every 10 days. I keep him on aspen shavings and this guy does me proud. Awesome kings I must say.
Beau Medlar

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Old 03-02-04, 07:04 AM   #6
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What are the dimensions of the Sterilite #1856?
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"
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Old 03-02-04, 10:34 PM   #7
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man come on people would any of you want to live in your bathroom ? give the snake some room or set him free. that's abuse . a ten gal. is too small in my oppinion for a 7 month old king that's why i'm going up to a 20 at least. think about the poor snake if you don't have the room or the money you don't need it . i'm not being mean but i believe in space for an animal just like betta fish and goldfish in these little bitty dishes that go round and round wow what a life it's sad. just my oppinion marie
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Old 03-03-04, 07:17 AM   #8
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I have money, I have space. I spot clean at least twice a day so my snakes don't wallow in their waste. I'm getting a rack with 15qt and 32qt tubs. I plan to use the 15qt tubs for new purchases until they are big enough to move to 32 qts. I was just wondering if i will be able to use the 15qt on a more permanent basis for any snakes. Not all snakes get big and/or move around a lot to require huge amounts of space. I've never seen how big all the various species of kings/milks get when they are adults - so I don't know what can and can't work.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"
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Old 03-03-04, 02:03 PM   #9
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1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.0 Mexican Black King Snake

A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 03-03-04, 03:04 PM   #10
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Originally posted by marie
man come on people would any of you want to live in your bathroom ? give the snake some room or set him free. that's abuse . a ten gal. is too small in my oppinion for a 7 month old king that's why i'm going up to a 20 at least. think about the poor snake if you don't have the room or the money you don't need it . i'm not being mean but i believe in space for an animal just like betta fish and goldfish in these little bitty dishes that go round and round wow what a life it's sad. just my oppinion marie
i definetly wouldn't set it free.
if something doesn't fit hit it with a hammer, if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer: Jesse James
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Old 03-03-04, 03:22 PM   #11
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man come on people would any of you want to live in your bathroom ? give the snake some room or set him free. that's abuse . a ten gal. is too small in my oppinion for a 7 month old king that's why i'm going up to a 20 at least. think about the poor snake if you don't have the room or the money you don't need it . i'm not being mean but i believe in space for an animal just like betta fish and goldfish in these little bitty dishes that go round and round wow what a life it's sad. just my oppinion marie
Well, Marie, it it very far from abuse. Snakes (if you would take the time to research) are not huge land-loving animals with large territories. And being this is a king question, fact is these snakes LOVE to be contained in small areas. Out of the 14+ Mountain Kings I see every year, only one was not found in the same crack in rocks I found it in several times before. It is extremely rare to find them out in the open at all. Maybe if you knew the natural history of the animal, you would be less inclined to act like your a snake god and realise that snakes feel more at home in smaller, less expansive areas. Fact is, snakes rarely will venture far from there homes. Depending on species, most of the time any given snake is going to be resting under rocks, burrowed in soil or sand or just plain living in a dark secluded area. This is what they like, they are not land-roaming cattle. You will find that most folks that use the Sterilite Tubs have better results in feeding, breeding and stressless snakes. Big huge open areas are going to lead to heavier stressed snakes in general, only becuase this is not how the generally live.

They are not human, so do not feel as if your "loving and caring ways" are better than what we are discussing, because frankly your wrong, to say it as nice as possable. It is not wrong to care for your snakes, but first understand them before acting and pronouncing yourself as better.
Beau Medlar

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Old 03-04-04, 10:31 PM   #12
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ok how can i reply without stepping on your toes? there is no way because just from reading your post you are very easy to offend . put your snake in whatever you want ,i just hope you don't get an iguana!! marie
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Old 03-04-04, 10:37 PM   #13
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Didn't seem offended to me...sounds like he is trying to spread some knowledge!
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Old 03-04-04, 11:23 PM   #14
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i dont see what getting an iguana has to do with a discussion on enclosure sizes for snakes. If you implying that he would try and cram an iguana in a tiny little enclosure, then you are way off. snakes and iguanas are both reptiles, doenst mean they have the same needs, and people here know that.
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Old 03-06-04, 05:31 AM   #15
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a ten gal. is too small in my oppinion for a 7 month old king that's why i'm going up to a 20 at least
So why not put it in a 50, 75 or even 100 gallons?

And I don't think anyone was really offended - I just didn't appreciate an assumption being made about my motives behind the original question. I also think we agree your response basically showed a lack of knowledge on snake behavior and was prehaps based more on applying human standards to snakes - which doesn't support any available information in this case. I too felt that way about the amount of space that should be provided to snakes before I kept them, observed them and reseached them. Even now I always give my snakes larger than the minimum recommended cage size. But you can go overboard and end up wasting money as your snake doesn't utilize the excess space. Yeah, if I place my snake outside in the grass he may go exploring and check out as much of the yard as possible - but that's because it's new territory with lots of new smells to investigate. If I gave him an entire small bedroom to roam in his entire life, I'd bet after the intial newness of it wore off he'd basically make use of only a select few spots - unless he got hungry and went hunting. An entire room would be a waste.
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"

Last edited by Tigergenesis; 03-06-04 at 05:42 AM..
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