If you can set me up with a seller at that price, I'll arrange all the export stuff to the US and buy them all day long for that price! I purchased mine for $2200US and $1550US. They haven't been available for $1000 in years as far as I know. $1800-$2500 is typical price for them.
Anyway, they can eat quite a bit and can be picky feeders. I generally feed madagascar hissing roaches, orange headed roaches, silkworms, hornworms, waxworms, mealworms, superworms, stick insects, mantids, crickets and anything else I can get my hands on at the time. They have been known to eat birds, pinkies and anoles when full grown as well.
Their enclosures are huge (7' tall x 6' x 3') and care needs specific and generally out of the reach of most keepers. Their hydration requirements are significant (I run misters 3 times a day for a total of 1.5 hrs a day).
There are some care sheets out there.
www.adcham.com has a good one and there are a few others. that one from central pets is not very good. to start with, this species lives upward of 15-20 years, not 4 although that may be a good average considering how few have had success with this species in the past when they were being imported. Other than that, the sheet has virtually no information about the species relative to any other chameleon.
Here are a couple pics of mine.
Female in display coloration and posture:
Juvenile Male. This photo is about a month old and he is now a baby blue with bright orange eyes. His rostrals have also grown in a lot.