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Old 03-09-04, 04:40 PM   #1
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gravid panther

I think I see some egg lumps in the pelvic region of my panther and since this is my first time with a panther, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of what to look out for.

Will she have any color/pattern changes?

Are panthers good about preliminary digging in their enclosures to let you know its time to move to the lay box, or should I introduce it to her periodically?

Will she get as fat as a veiled does, with eggies right up to her chin, or is that typically a result of diet and not species? (meaning that for any species too much food = large clutch)
>> My advice is based on my opinion and experiences only - people have different opinions and I respect that<<

3.1 veiled chameleons,0.1 nosey be panther cham, 1.3 leopard geckos
1.1 golden geckos, 2.2.100 bettas, 0.0.1 fire belly newt
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Old 03-09-04, 06:00 PM   #2
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congrats, is she fertile??? well if theres lumps then shes gravid! i would put a bucket of (subsrate where she can lay) just incase. But hwen its time i think she would lay, but i dont wnat to give anymore info, dont want it to be false info im giving out lol

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 03-09-04, 07:45 PM   #3
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she will get pretty full, id say to introduce the box as soon as possible im sure its not nessesary but at least she will know its there. She will go through the same procedures as your veild though. And yes too much food = lots of eggs, though there is not much that could be done know if she is a chub chub just make sure and watch her food intake from know on. And from what i have seen they will dig and show u when if your moving to a laying container. and she should go all gravid colors too. Hope that helps, not that i have much experience with panther females mine is eggless and weird lol. But i have seen a bunch go through the process. Good luck with her
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Old 03-10-04, 11:40 AM   #4
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So what are the gravid colors? Shes so blah compared to the palate of my veileds!
>> My advice is based on my opinion and experiences only - people have different opinions and I respect that<<

3.1 veiled chameleons,0.1 nosey be panther cham, 1.3 leopard geckos
1.1 golden geckos, 2.2.100 bettas, 0.0.1 fire belly newt
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Old 03-10-04, 11:46 AM   #5
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orang and black typically she will be dark some thing like or around this look

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Old 03-10-04, 11:24 PM   #6
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woah. Okay we are no where near that color. She is typically the color you see in my avatar pic. Thats her a bit stressed.
She does have a bit of paleness on the base of her tail though, like she may begin to shed, but dosen't. I know its not a shed because just a week ago she had a complete shed with no left-overs and still has that paleness.
>> My advice is based on my opinion and experiences only - people have different opinions and I respect that<<

3.1 veiled chameleons,0.1 nosey be panther cham, 1.3 leopard geckos
1.1 golden geckos, 2.2.100 bettas, 0.0.1 fire belly newt
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Old 03-11-04, 12:08 AM   #7
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yea lol she will go somewhat like that but they are all different this is the same girl but in her normal colors

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Old 03-11-04, 03:04 AM   #8
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Great! thanks collide. I don't think that will be hard to miss. I'll try to take pics of her too....... oh I hope it is gravid time. She is just over a year old now.
>> My advice is based on my opinion and experiences only - people have different opinions and I respect that<<

3.1 veiled chameleons,0.1 nosey be panther cham, 1.3 leopard geckos
1.1 golden geckos, 2.2.100 bettas, 0.0.1 fire belly newt
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