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Old 02-03-04, 09:38 PM   #1
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Talking Annoying Yet? (not a care question this time!)

I was reading up on more caresheets and about different kinds of Chams, and I found a sheet talking about housing. He said the usual speal about aquariums bad, screen good.

But one part interested me and wanted to know your thoughts on it and also if you think/know it's true:

"5. Allows the chameleon to perch above your eye level. Chameleons are arboreal creatures in nature and some species normally perch at heights of six feet or more. This gives chameleons a sense of security that should be factored into their captive environment. Enclosures that open from the top, such as aquariums, are usually placed low to provide easy access for the keeper. Most chameleons in this environment attempt escape by reaching for their keeper whenever the top is opened. This behavior is usually interpreted as a sign of friendliness, but chameleons that constantly react in this fashion are probably just seeking escape or a higher perch because they are uncomfortable in their enclosure."


I bolded the part that interests me. The reason I asked is because when I was at my old evil pet store to waste some time. My cousin pointed out the Female Vieled in the tank with the three water dragons and that she wanted me to get it. I asked my friend Amber who works there if I could examine it with the intent of buying it (yeah friggen right!) I asked about temperment and such, and she said this Female is very friendly and always grabs up at her when she opens the tank lid. I did handle her and she WAS friendly. And she did hesitate to go back into the tank (Gee, I wonder why)...

So yeah, I was just curious All you little ol' Cham experts and hobbyists out there have been such a wonderful help so far

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Old 02-03-04, 10:11 PM   #2
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very very very intresting, yes ill tell you something that ive seen through my years of living and through reptile shows and other chameleons. everything seems to like being tall, taller you are the more comfortable you feel, never feels good when your smaller then someone....Chameleons live in the wild, they like to climb trees and hunt for food, they are always up high, unless lay eggs, you would rarly see them on the floor. My chameleon never likes to me at the bottom, has to be at the top if i could reach my roof, with my arm he would just keep climbing higher and higher untill he feels safe, thats why my cham doesnt like small cages that is under 6 feet, they want to be tall, and me and my cham look at each other at eye level. So my point is that if the cham has a chance to go higher it will. The pet store tells me that the chameleon cage is not high enough. What my chameleon does when the cage is to small, moves around a LOT and trys to escape. lol i dont know if anyone got that but ya..

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Old 02-03-04, 10:16 PM   #3
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its horrible to hear that a cham was being kept with 2 water dragons. errr

ok yes it is in there nature to get as high as they can. If you take your cham out and he/she climbs all over u stand in the middle of the room and hold it above you head magic now u got a happy cham.. well till se sees the windo cill and wants too look out lol
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Old 02-04-04, 07:22 AM   #4
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To a cham, safety is (usually) up.... the faster the better, and using any means available. I agree with the article, and have seen many chams reaching out to anyone nearby, wanting to escape their immediate surroundings. And yes, it was almost always interpreted as being friendly.
How often have you seen your cham reach down to you when he was above your head? How often when he was below you, did he reach up? Which would you have considered being friendly?
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Old 02-04-04, 10:26 AM   #5
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I would have never even let go of the cham until they told me they wouldn't put it back into a cage with water dragons. What total morons. God I hate pet stores.

And yes I agree with everyone....chams love UP and most people like to think they are all friendly when in reality they could care less about people and just want to get themselves in a safer situation/higher up.

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