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Old 01-25-04, 11:22 AM   #1
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Is this something to be concerned about? (pics)

I noticed the other day that Draco's 'eyelashes' kinda were over his eye, kinda like he was closing his eyelid... even though I know they don't have any to close... is there something wrong? I noticed it yesterday, and again this morning... when I took him out, it went back to normal.. is it a sleeping thing? It also only seems to be that one eye,,, it was closest to the light source...

Thanks for your help....
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Old 01-25-04, 12:41 PM   #2
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Ya they kinda suck their eyes in when they are sleeping. If you put your finger near their eyes you can see what I mean.
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Old 01-25-04, 01:24 PM   #3
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Rebecca is right, its a sleeping thing.

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