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Old 12-02-03, 04:34 AM   #1
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My first snake.

Hello everyone. As the above has stated, this is my first snake. A Ball Python. I would welcoms any sugestions that those of you might have, to help me out in this new learing experience. My first question is about substrate. I am using Aspen right now, but I was wondering is sand would be acceptable. I have already found one mite. I have tried to find out on sites but am having no luck tracking down a yes or no. Any and all help will be greatly apreciated.

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Old 12-02-03, 09:24 AM   #2
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Welcome to sSnakeSs Joseph
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Old 12-02-03, 09:41 AM   #3
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I use recycled paper kitty litter... works a treat..looks ok as well
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Old 12-02-03, 12:23 PM   #4
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If you have found a mite you may want to consider putting your bp on newspaper. It would be easier to spot the mites, you should also consider getting some mite treatment. As far as using sand as the substrate the answer is no it can lead to serious complications. BTW welcome to ssnakess.
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Old 12-02-03, 12:45 PM   #5
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Originally posted by mark129er
If you have found a mite you may want to consider putting your bp on newspaper. It would be easier to spot the mites, you should also consider getting some mite treatment. As far as using sand as the substrate the answer is no it can lead to serious complications. BTW welcome to ssnakess.
He's right. Welcome aboard!
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Old 12-02-03, 12:57 PM   #6
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Sand wouldn't be a good choice for a ball python. Stick to aspen or paper towels/news paper. Sand can cause a lot of health problems for certain types of snakes.

While your snake has mites, keep him on paper towels so you can easily spot them and completely change the substrate several times a day. There a several good threads on this site about getting rid of mites. Do a search and try the NIX method.

Good luck and welcome to the site!
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Old 12-02-03, 01:03 PM   #7
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Welcome to the site. You will find lots of good info here. Use the search feature and feel free to ask questions if you cannot find your answer that way.

Tell us about your ball python and it's enclosure. What are the temps on the floor of the enclosure? What are you keeping him in? How often do you feed him? What do you feed him? How is his temperament? etc

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Old 12-02-03, 01:12 PM   #8
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Welcome to the you can tell good info is by being passed on right now

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Old 12-02-03, 01:24 PM   #9
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i have 2 ball pythons i just switched to astroturf its the stuff they use for a mini put green it look sharp pluse its easy to clean just make sure u wash it at least once a mounth as for mites i had a farlly bad mite problem i recomend useing ivory soap and therally clean your cage and let it soke in hot water for an hour then get some mite powder that goses under your surface and plz dont use sand if it digest that it could kill it hope we've all been helpful and good luck
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Old 12-02-03, 02:17 PM   #10
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Astro turf will carry a LOT of bacteria over time and it isn't the greatest substate. If you want a natural looking substrate use aspen or that repti-bark stuff (never used it myself but I've heard good things). If you don't care so much about looks, you can't beat poaper towel or news paper. Easy and cheap. Sand and Astro turf are known as "bad substrates". Each for various reasons...
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Old 12-02-03, 02:38 PM   #11
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my bp actually got a mite infestation from repti-bark. for a cheap and easy treatment of mites........try using mineral oil slick it on his body and use a cotton swab (q-tip) to get it around his nose, and eyes. do it twice a day. Use unprinted paper, or papertowels to see the mykee said tell us all about the set up, temps, what you feed, how often you feed, how old is the bp, how long is he............

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Old 12-03-03, 03:53 AM   #12
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Well thank you all I ddi not expect a reply so quicly or as in as much force. So sand is no good, got ya. I ahve picked up a treatment and started to administer it today. Time will tell. I was also told by a friend that sometimes they can be in the aspen, would freezing the aspen for a time help with this? Mike you were asking me about her enclosure. It is about 16" in hight, 12" in depth, and 36 in lenght, i use aspen on 2/3rds and a egyptian towel for the other 3rd, where she sleeps and or hides. The temp is kept at 22-23 dec C. She has a large water dish, and climbing aperatus. This is only temporary since I do belive that she needs as much space as possible. The new enclosure will be 30" plus in hight, as well as depth, and the lenght will be atleast 48". Sappire, you asked about length, she is about 2-2' 6" in length. I have yet to get a definite mesurment. I also feed her every 6 days. Medium mice, is her curret diet since Ratts are illegal in Alberta. I am trying to work on the ratt thing. the yare better for her so I have read. Thank you all for you replies thus far, i really apreciate all your help.

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Old 12-03-03, 07:03 AM   #13
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Joseph, first, let me welcome you to the site. I read your above post, and would like to make a few suggestions.
1. Rats are not illegal in Alberta. I suggest you get your ball eating them ASAP.
2. you are underfeeding your ball, medium mice every 6 days is NOT enough food. Try a weanling rat or a jumbo adult mouse if you cannot find rats.
3. 22-23 degrees is MUCH too cold for your snake if you are not cycling. You need a hot belly spot (1/4 - 1/3 of the tank) of at LEAST 31-33.
4. Don't put her in a larger environment. Balls do not need as much room as you would like to give her. She can happily live in what she is in now, forever.
5. Please buy a book on the captive husbandry of ball pythons and read it soon, do as much research as you can online about how you should keep your ball python, and ask as many questions as you can to ensure the health and well-being of your snake.
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Old 12-03-03, 10:16 AM   #14
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Welcome, Joseph.

The size of your new enclosure is a good size and your ball can live comfortably in it for the rest of its life.

This is a good caresheet for ball pythons
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Old 12-03-03, 10:34 AM   #15
Big Mike
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Hi Joseph,
Mykee is right (that is all good advice), your temps are too low. You really need to raise the temps on one side of that enclosure. The idea is to have a thermal gradient so that the snake can regulate it's body temperature by moving around the enclosure. What do you have for heat? The best option (IMHO) would be an Under Tank Heater. They are available at pet stores. Get one that covers about 1/3 of the enclosure. Then get a control device for it. A plug-in lamp dimmer will work. You can even make your own if you feel up to it. There is a great set of instructions on this site. Heat lamps will work but are not the best option for ball pythons.

Make sure to get a good thermometer and measure the temperature right on the floor (or the hottest spot). The best ones to use are the digital indoor/outdoor thermometers with a probe on it.

Aspen is a good substrate, there might be some bugs in there but chances are they are not reptile mites...unless the aspen came from a reptile store that has a rampant mite problem. I get my aspen in compressed sealed bags and I have never seen a bug in it. I would loose the towel...unless you wash it on a fairly regular will be a bacteria breeding ground. All you need for a hiding place is something that is dark and tight an upside down plastic tub with a door cut out...they have nice looking caves at pet stores too.

Live rats are not allowed in Alberta, the last time I checked. You can get frozen ones though. You do feed frozen/thawed mice don't you? If you don't....switch ASAP. Where are you from in Alberta? There are great reptile "clubs" in both Edmonton and Calgary. ERAS in Edmonton and TARAS in Calgary. If you can...come to a meeting of one of these clubs...they are great fun.

Sorry that was so long...once I get going...
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