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Old 11-01-03, 03:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct-2003
Location: Austin,Texas
Posts: 76
Question substrate??? UTH??

I was hoping to get a little be of info if ya'll wouldn't mind I currently have a 30L that I am trying to set up for my little one and was wondering if I would have to worry about her digging in the substrate I am thinking of using carefresh maybe along with a some nice green carpeting(can't remember its name) so that if she does dig she won't actually be sitting right on the UTH. I still have to clean out the tank and get all set up for her but any info would be GREATLY appreciated She is my first snake and I love her to death and want to make sure I don't do anymore stupid errors than I already have. I am thinking of using a UTH and a lamp to heat the tank with a screen top. any suggestions on how I can help her thrive would help ALOT.
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Old 11-01-03, 03:34 AM   #2
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heres a suggestion, cover the entire screen top with something, except the part with a lamp (if you have one), here are some substrates that are good, carefresh, newspaper / paper towel, bark mulch (NO CEDAR OR PINE), some people use aspen shaving but they mold and cypress is good also. something to help your BP thrive is to switch it to rats as soon as possible, there are various methods of doing this if your snake doesnt like them, search the forums and find a thread about switching to rats and youll find info there. get a thermometer/humidity guage for about 10 ****s in your cage, keep the temp 80-90 and humidity at 60-70

you likely won't have to worry about it burryiing itself but just put a layer of newspaper instead of grass carpet.
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Old 11-01-03, 05:20 AM   #3
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Ditch the tank and buy a Rubbermaid.
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