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Old 10-23-03, 08:27 PM   #1
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veileds veil a resonater

hello i noticed a buzz comming from my veield. i felt it as well as heard this. my cham always likes to hang out on me and walk around. anyway how coem i never read anythign about that in liturature?

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Old 10-23-03, 08:31 PM   #2
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I don't know but it's happened to mine before. Mine was constant though... it was like a burp or it was clearing its throat.
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Old 10-23-03, 08:32 PM   #3
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no not so much a burp. but a buzzz. fibrating.
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Old 10-23-03, 08:34 PM   #4
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Normal. Completely normal. The males do it for some reason... mating? announcing their presence? I must say, when one of my males starts chirping, the rest of the boys perk right up. It's hilarious.

Check this link for the magnified sound:


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Old 10-23-03, 08:36 PM   #5
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cool thanks. i never read about that before. thats cool probably for mating or communicating liek the dinosours. mayeb veilds are smarter than we thought.
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Old 10-23-03, 08:39 PM   #6
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yes mine does that too its really funny makes me laugh god chams do all kinds a weird stuff lol
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Old 10-23-03, 08:42 PM   #7
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lol wow sounds likef uun Does Male Panthers do this???

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Old 10-23-03, 08:44 PM   #8
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Does Male Panthers do this???
Sometimes, but I've found not as much as my Veiled's.

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Old 10-23-03, 08:45 PM   #9
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well i guess what i have to do now is figure hwo they use there veil as a resonator. and why. perahps a trip to yemen is in order.
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Old 10-23-03, 09:39 PM   #10
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All the veileds, male and female, do this. My old female buzzes almost every time she comes out. From what I've read, its supposed to be some form of subsonic communication. The vibrations would be transmitted very effectively through a branch I'm sure. They seem to use it for a variety of things including excitement, alarm, possibly defense.

The Rhampholeons I use to have did this all the time as well.

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Old 10-23-03, 09:43 PM   #11
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but it makes u think there veil is specifially designed to do this.
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Old 10-23-03, 09:54 PM   #12
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The Rhampholeons I use to have did this all the time as well.
Oh yes! I forgot about those guys. Mine chirp like mad when you pick them up.

I don't think the casque (veil) has anything to do with the vibrations really. As some of the members have stated, there are many species that make these sub-sonic noises and they don't have to ornamentation the Veiled's have. I think the Veil evolved to make them appear bigger to predators. Also the Veileds come from a fairly dry part of the world, and the casque is shaped so that any water that falls on it, it naturally flows into their mouths.

I could be way off base on that theory too...


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Old 10-23-03, 09:57 PM   #13
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hmm perhaps. but also is remarakable drum like with a hard bone on the outside. that would amplify the sound as well as catch water. i just recall learning of dinosours that have things that resemble teh veil that use it for communiction. chameleons dotn gt teh credit tehy deserve i think. does anyoen have a evolution site of chameleons?
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Old 10-24-03, 09:49 AM   #14
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Posts: 293 gotta remember that anything "known" about dinosaurs is just an educated guess. Even professionals argue about how thir evidence says "this is the way it was" and some other professional will say "nope, my data suggests that this is the only way it could have been." They are both right because they can never be proven wrong. Actual behaviours do not get preserved like bones do.
And yes, I've also read that the casque is designed for collection of condensation. The dew beads on it, then travels down it towards the mouth. The thin structure of the veil could also be a means of cooling the blood stream to bring the core temperature of the animal down when it gets too hot. It's like our extremities, they get really flush when we are hot because the blood is close to the skin surface trying to lose heat.
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Old 10-24-03, 06:06 PM   #15
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I miss my cham
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