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Old 11-01-03, 03:12 PM   #1
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Can you own a burm/retic in Alberta?

I was wondering If you can own these animals in Alberta(retic/burms)?
I have retics ,and I will not part with them . Do you need to get permits? If yes, where do you get them? Or are they only allowed to own by a zoo or reptile refuge? Any info would be helpfull
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Old 11-01-03, 05:54 PM   #2
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Burmese Pythons, Retics, AfRocks, Anacondas, and Scrubs are all banned in Alberta because of their size. You will need a license from Alberta Fish & Wildlife to own them here, and believe me, they DO NOT hand them out freely.

If you get caught with giant snakes here, the fine is extremely hefty, and the animals are usually confiscated. So, it's up to you if you want to risk it.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-02-03, 12:33 AM   #3
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Thx, I was thinking of relocating there .I should check into getting the permits early. Do you have to take some kind of stupid snake handlers training? What are the guidlines or rules of owning these snakes?
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Old 11-02-03, 01:22 PM   #4
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Basically, you have to be a public zoo, or an educator. Other than that, they're probably not going to let you have them here. But, I'm not a Fish & Wildlife officer. Contact them and see what you need, but I can guaratee you if they are just pets, you will be given a flat "No".
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-02-03, 04:20 PM   #5
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thx , If I go (probably not now) Im not going to tell anyone i have them.
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Old 11-02-03, 06:20 PM   #6
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Well, best of luck then, and I hope you never need a vet for one of 'em.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-02-03, 06:33 PM   #7
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If you need a vet for them, just drive over to BC.
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Old 11-02-03, 11:47 PM   #8
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you can take thim to the vet as long as you say you live in bc
don,t see the same vet
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Old 11-03-03, 09:27 AM   #9
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That shows how little you know about the animal control laws, crazysnake. You need a licence to even BRING a burm into this province.. so merely saying you live in BC doesn't cut it - a vet may still report you to Fish & Wildlife, and you may still face hefty fines.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-03-03, 03:49 PM   #10
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Hay Invictus are you telling me you can,t even come to alberta
with a large python with out a permit.
Well you are wrong I have taken large burms to the Vet there
as well as an large af rock.
I know 15 people in that city that has large snakes
if your snake is housed right and you don,t have little kids
you willbe ok.
As long as there is no complaint you will be ok
it is illegal to have
This is from Fish and Wildlife we can leave you with the animals
or we can fine you$500 to $5000 It all depends on the snake
health and its cage.
that is from fish and wildlife in you city
call them and ask
there are thousands of people with illgal stuff in that city.
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Old 11-03-03, 04:04 PM   #11
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thx guys , I still have a lot of research to do .
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Old 11-03-03, 06:29 PM   #12
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Originally posted by crazysnake
Hay Invictus are you telling me you can,t even come to alberta
with a large python with out a permit.
Well you are wrong I have taken large burms to the Vet there
as well as an large af rock.

No, I am not wrong. That is the law. I didn't say that laws in Alberta are never bent or broken. However, the law does state that any restricted animal may not be brought into this province without the appropriate permit.

This is from Fish and Wildlife we can leave you with the animals
or we can fine you$500 to $5000 It all depends on the snake
health and its cage.
that is from fish and wildlife in you city
call them and ask
there are thousands of people with illgal stuff in that city.
I never questioned that either. The question was if it was legal. The answer is no, it is not legal. But if Fish & Wildlife do catch wind of it and the officer happens to be having a bad day, you get fined. If you don't pay the fine, you go to jail and your burm/retic/afrock gets taken to a zoo, or worse yet - euthanized. Don't pretend it doesn't happen either, because it does.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-03-03, 06:33 PM   #13
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your right ?
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Old 11-03-03, 07:04 PM   #14
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i actually work in a vet clinic and i know of a few berms that are here in alberta and i myself owned a couple of rats when i moved here from bc ( not realizing that alberta is "rat free") and i have never seen anyone busted for going to the vet with these animals. from the veterinarians stand point, they mostly get invovled if the animal is being mistreated.
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Old 11-03-03, 07:08 PM   #15
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oh, and i am not trying to say that smuggling animals into alberta is right, i am just saying that it is done.
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