Hey Everyone!
I have been over in saskatchewan for the past few days looking for bull snakes, rattle snakes, garter snakes, black widdows and scorpions. so far i believe we have seen about 5 bull snakes and over 20 rattle snakes. not including DOR's

. the bull snakes look AMAZING! and the rattle snakes are beautiful!!! the black widdows are pretty neat and i didn't even know we had scorpions till ryan and shila told me. i am writing this from a public internet computer. i will post some pics as soon as i get back. today steve chandler and i went looking for some snakes and insects. we found one rattler and some neat bugs! tommorrow i am going to drumheller or how ever that is spelt

and we are gonna go looking for bullsnakes. i really reccomend this trip if you are into photography. you will see why as soon as i get back. i hope you all have a good evening