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Old 09-11-03, 06:54 PM   #1
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Angry Wc Disgrace!

Yep, you guessed it, yet ANOTHER rant about that evil pet store, and no, not about them firing me. It's some new info I found out from my new friend Travis...

(for information purposes...I just met Travis my first week of College, he incidentally is ALSO the guy who replaced me at the pet store...I'm happy though, he likes reptiles.)

So we were having a talk in Marketing about the snakes and stuff, and he told me that they just recently ordered an Anaconda (against his wishes). In fact, all they have there are reptiles that get to considerable sizes....Savs, a nile monitor, green iguanas, anaconda, etc.

And then he told me something that I was LIED to about. He told me that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the reptiles that are sold are WC because it's cheaper that way. Yes I know it's cheaper. But when *I* bought the Ribbon I asked him and he said, "Captive". Montey, I didn't know enough to ask, and that was three years ago under different management, so I can only pray REALLY hard...the Ball Pythons were all WC, everything.

I am personally against keeping anything wild, simply because we have enough breeders. My only acception is if it's a dying breed and we're trying to save it by breeding it and keeping the species safe from mans mistakes. That's just us trying to fix our f*** ups...

But isn't that completely wrong? He lied to me to get me to buy that animal, knowing full well that I frown upon the WC pets...ugh, I'm frustrated by idiots...

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Old 09-11-03, 07:12 PM   #2
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I know exactly what you is very frusterating when pet shops do this....
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Old 09-11-03, 07:23 PM   #3
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What if the wild caught is for new blood to the gene pool? Such as Bearded Dragons, all of the ones here in the states are severly inbred its not funny, yet they are very plentiful, what about cases like that? I have nothing against WCs as long as it's legal to have been done and was legally caught and wasn't over done on a single population.. Bah, over done period. Everyone's so big on location these days.. I was just curious to your boundary area, and being a ribbon and not one of these flashy morphs, I'd bet it was wc, even if I were told it's cb.. Xain
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Old 09-11-03, 07:54 PM   #4
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Yes for adding to the gene pool, but only to an extent. Like Ball Pythons...there is NO need to keep having them WC...

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Old 09-11-03, 08:13 PM   #5
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I will WC for my personal collection but not for resale
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Old 09-11-03, 08:13 PM   #6
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A pet store with wild caught animals? That's suprising...........

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Old 09-11-03, 08:45 PM   #7
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lol thats quite surprising Jeff
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Old 09-11-03, 08:54 PM   #8
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I agree some things are over done. On a different idea, are there any breeders of normal ball pythons or do they all just try for the morphs? (Breeders of normals to get normals, not the hets or siblings of hets and so forth, ya get the idea)

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Old 09-12-03, 05:25 AM   #9
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Yeah there are still some who just get normals. Usually they don't really specialize in one type of snake or another. Markus Jayne also still does normals AND morphs

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Old 09-12-03, 07:16 AM   #10
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WC is no surprise, but selling WC animals as CB is a misrepresentation and fraud.
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Old 09-12-03, 07:42 AM   #11
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Thank you Lisa That was my main point. It's not the issue of whether having WC is wrong or not because everyone has different opinions which I respect. But lying to me with the knowledge that I personally am against them is wrong.

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Old 09-12-03, 11:36 AM   #12
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WC is evil, for sure. I hate it.

KrokadilyanGuy3, I've been breeding normal Ball Pythons since 1996. And normals are indirectly produced when breeding het to het and when breeding co-doms to normal females. The whole morph thing has INCREASED normal production on North America 10000x!!
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Old 09-12-03, 11:40 AM   #13
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Re: Wc Disgrace!

Originally posted by SerpentLust

But isn't that completely wrong? He lied to me to get me to buy that animal, knowing full well that I frown upon the WC pets...ugh, I'm frustrated by idiots...
You'll find this a very common thing in most pet shops. They need to make sales, and often the truths are undesirable to potential customers. There isn't a whole lot of honesty in the pet trade, its incredibly sad
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Old 09-12-03, 12:19 PM   #14
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An anaconda in a pet store, oh dear!!! I didn't think they were legal in Canada. Regardless, if they do have one for sale it's a shame. I'm not bashing pet stores because there are good ones, but this one sounds like it will sell anything to anyone. That's the last thing the hobby needs is for some inexperienced yobo with money to buy something like that and have it get loose or not take proper care of it. Very bad for the snake and bad press for herpers.
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Old 09-12-03, 01:03 PM   #15
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Yeah Pia, that's mainly why I was fired. Because I made SURE people knew what to do with the animal and what they were getting into and apparently it made me slow because I took the time to explain what the person would need to do to ensure their animal had the best life and such...

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