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Old 09-06-03, 01:06 AM   #1
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Eggs of my Coleonyx mitratus

Yesterday, I discovered 2 eggs in my terr.

I tried to puth them in the au bain marie machine. But 1 Have 1 egg dropped on the floor. from 10 cm high. and he turned ofcourse

Could this egg come out or? HE is tottaly compleet and he looks quit well

Grreetz maurice

Srry for my poor English, I'm from holand :P
1.1.0 Crotaphytus collaris
0.1.3 Coleonyx mitratus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus
1.1.0 Goniurosaurus luii
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Old 09-06-03, 03:04 AM   #2
Tim and Julie B
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Are they soft shelled eggs like leopard geckos? If so it should be okay about the egg dropping and turning. As long as it doesn't get moved any more. Next time you may want to mark your eggs with a marker before you move them from your terrarium. Just take a black marker and put a line, dot, X or what ever you like onto the top of the egg. That way you always know which way is up

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Old 09-06-03, 03:18 AM   #3
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Oke thanx

I hope that the eggs will hatch

Let's wait 2 months. By the Way, This is a kind of leopard gecko. But he lives in Honduras and he is smaller(18cm)

Greetz Maurice
1.1.0 Crotaphytus collaris
0.1.3 Coleonyx mitratus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus
1.1.0 Goniurosaurus luii
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Old 09-06-03, 02:21 PM   #4
Tim and Julie B
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I adore cyrtodactylus species. Did you know there are over 60 different species? Truly amazing. They are very similar to leos, but not actually a type of leopard gecko. Their care is similar, as are their habits, but otherwise they are quite different. Coleonyx are hard to find in Canada, I've been looking forever. I have to resort to buying them from the States. lol Good luck with the eggs, let us know how it turns out

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Old 09-06-03, 03:17 PM   #5
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I post when there are hatched.
I know that there are lot's of leo imitators :P
I have bought them as Leo's.

But after that, Someone said that they aren't leopardgekkos'S :P
They are Smaller en tinner, and they live in trpical regions

greetz Maurice
1.1.0 Crotaphytus collaris
0.1.3 Coleonyx mitratus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus
1.1.0 Goniurosaurus luii
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Old 09-06-03, 08:36 PM   #6
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cat geckos Coleonyx mitratus are magnifficent, very interesting animals! They are more slender and elegant than leos with elongated heads and are bigger than leos, with habits like those of a cat! ...
Do you have a photo camera? Well, let us see some pics of the parents.
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Old 09-06-03, 09:33 PM   #7
Tim and Julie B
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reptilesalonica, do you like cyrtodactylus too? They are hard to find just like coleonyx. In Canada anyways!

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Old 09-06-03, 10:53 PM   #8
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Oh, yes of course! All Cyrtodactilus are colorful slender and beaytiful.
C.peguensis, C.baluensis, C.matsuii, C.consobrinus and the spectacular C.irianjayaensis.
Though my big love is Goniurosaurus luii, i am totaly in love with these eyelids!!!
The fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard...JUMP!
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Old 09-07-03, 03:25 AM   #9
Tim and Julie B
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Wow, yes Goniurosaurus! I may get the chance to buy some of these at the next reptile show! G. araneus. So beautiful. Eyelid geckos are very fascinating. So many colors and patterns. I love Cyrtodactylus peguensis and pulchellus. Those are the ones that I may get from the US probably in December or January. There are so many to choose from. So many, too little time!

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Old 09-08-03, 09:56 AM   #10
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Reptilesalonica, COloenyx mitratus is smaller than a leopardgecko. And I have a problem with housing. I can't find where they exacly live. How does his habitat look like.

I Have them now on sand with stones and a plastic plant . And I spray water every day. What must I change.
1.1.0 Crotaphytus collaris
0.1.3 Coleonyx mitratus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus
1.1.0 Goniurosaurus luii
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Old 09-08-03, 09:58 AM   #11
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How can I post a picture of my gecko?
1.1.0 Crotaphytus collaris
0.1.3 Coleonyx mitratus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus
1.1.0 Goniurosaurus luii
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Old 09-09-03, 02:06 AM   #12
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Mitratus require a semi-tropical enclosure. Heat pad under 1/4 of the enclosure, coconut fibre as a bedding, plain paper towel, cypress mulch and sphagnum moss are all choice substrates. Be sure to include a moist egg chamber/hide box as they appreciate it more than anything. Mist the enclosure atleast once a day, if not twice, and keep at a temperature of around 84 F.
Hope it helped.
Textual blazes the path of ignorance.
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