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Old 08-30-03, 10:46 PM   #1
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Mixed species in a 8'x2'x2' with a BTS

If I have a BTS in a 8'x2'x2', is there any other speacies I can keep with him, like some collards or amevies, or berdies maybe??
Or will they stress each other out too much?

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Old 08-31-03, 05:35 PM   #2
Tim and Julie B
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Too much can go wrong.

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Old 08-31-03, 05:47 PM   #3
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Never mix species, if one gets sick they all get sick, you can't tell who is sick from their bathroom dropings, and WAY to stressful for the animals....
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Old 08-31-03, 05:50 PM   #4
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Go right ahead and mix them if your looking for them to die. The ONLY species I know of that can be mixed are anoles and White line geckos. Besides, a Blue tongue Skink matched with a beardie is just lookin for a fight, beardies can be quite vicous.
1.1 Gehyra Vorax 1.0 Golden Gecko 1.0 Oedura Monilis 1.1 Green Tree Frogs
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Old 08-31-03, 06:10 PM   #5
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Also when you mix animals, for example, one of the animals can have a type of bacteria for breaking down food and when the bacteria goes into the other animal it could harm it very badly and could be fatal...there is also territorial battles and many things like that...i asked about putting my russian tort and mali uro together but the bacteria thing got in the way and there environments where a couple degrees off so they would get either to hot or not hot enough. Keeping diff animals together is asking for problems..
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Old 09-01-03, 10:01 AM   #6
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Just as an aside, I dont even know that mixing any of the gekko species with anolis would be a good idea-I have watched most of the more commonly seen Gekko species eat anoles.
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Old 09-07-03, 04:07 PM   #7
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Small Phelsuma species can be kept with larger Dendrobates (arrow frogs) species in large vivariums. You can also mix Uroplatus into the bunch, but that's the only mixing I know of that has been proven successfull.

I've mixed fire belly newts with fire belly frogs, I had them together for 6 years with no problems, but the frogs eventually found some means of escape.

1.1 Veiled Chameleons : 1.1 Crested Gecko : 0.1 Pictus Geckos (looking to trade or sell $25) : 1.0 normal leopard gecko - 0.1 tang 100% het bliz leo - 0.2 bliz leos (All leopards for sale/trade) : 1.0 Leucisitc Texas Ratsnake (Looking to trade for Crestie or pygmy chams)
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Old 09-07-03, 05:38 PM   #8
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I strongly believe that you should never mix species regardless of what kind of herp it is. Way too many things could go wrong.
Erin Keller :eb:
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Old 09-07-03, 06:33 PM   #9
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Blue tongue skinks shouldn't even be housed with other blue tongued skinks. They don't do well housed together.
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Old 09-07-03, 07:40 PM   #10
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I've rescued hundreds of Dendrobates suffering liver disease from absorbing too much nitrogen from the exhalations and waste products of other animals in their enclosures. Frogs are FAR more susceptible to "mixed species syndrome" than any other herp because they absorb so much more of their environments through their skin. They just tend to hide disease very well so folks don't realize how sick they are until they are near death.
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