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Old 08-29-03, 09:10 PM   #1
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not just the weather that's cooler in Canada

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"The only thing worse than a human who had no respect for other animals was a human who assumed all other animals thought and felt just like he did." --Julia Ecklar, "ReGenesis"
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Old 08-29-03, 09:54 PM   #2
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While I don't agree with everything this government does, I am truely pround to be a Canadian, and always have been.

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Old 08-29-03, 10:18 PM   #3
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The only thing I DONT agree with is same-sex marriages. nothing against gays, but thats something that were never gonna live down. As the only smart thing P Bush has said " a marriage is between a man and a woman". Nuff said

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Old 08-29-03, 10:26 PM   #4
Bryce Masuk
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I think its great canada is actually starting to show that we are are not push over versions of americans. Who cares what america thinks of us. They still will buy boat loads of natural resources from us. Hopefully our government will continue they way it has just started to and refuse to allow the states to control us anymore. we have the power (pun intended) its time for us to step to the plate and use it for once
"Far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don't like that statement, but few can argue with it."
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Old 08-29-03, 11:43 PM   #5
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That was a very cool article Thanks for sharing...
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Old 08-30-03, 04:39 PM   #6
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Same sex marriage used to be legal in vegas, but the moral minority had their way.

Religion and State should be sepperate. Trudeau said it best, "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation."
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May you live in interesting times.
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Old 08-30-03, 04:45 PM   #7
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At the risk of joining in a thread that could go horribly wrong:

What difference does it make to ANYONE else what people decide to do with their lives... ? If it's their private business, then that's that. Who CARES!!!

Everytime that I look at myself I can't believe how awesome I am.
...The first rule of journalism is: Don't talk about journalism... or was that Fight Club?
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Old 08-30-03, 05:11 PM   #8
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I really respect Canada for letting same sex marriages become legal. I hope the US follows suit sometime in the future. Probably not the near future, because Bush would never let something like that happen. What a shame.
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Old 08-30-03, 05:22 PM   #9
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Nice article I couldnt help but laugh when I read.....

my theory is that the surge in pot-smoking has rendered most criminals too relaxed to commit violent crimes. They're probably more focused on shoplifting boxes of Ho-Hos from convenience stores.

Last edited by unknownclown; 08-30-03 at 05:25 PM..
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Old 08-30-03, 05:52 PM   #10
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Here here!!! That article is great!

Can you guys tell I'm proud to be Canadian???

Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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Old 08-30-03, 05:53 PM   #11
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The problem with the same sex marriages is for the most part,religious. Thats why many people have found it difficult to accept. I personally could care care less as to what they do. I personally believe that a true marriage is between a man and woman but if the same sex gets married, I guess that would be their thing.
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Old 08-30-03, 07:06 PM   #12
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The one thing the government should do is mind their own biz...keep to what they do best(rip the people off)....Personally, I don't care what other people do....never did, never will.....If anyone thinks the Government or the Religious Right really cares about your welfare- then you deserve the abuse you get...hahaha on you.
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Old 08-30-03, 08:32 PM   #13
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I agree with chase. ^_^
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Old 09-01-03, 12:52 PM   #14
Tim and Julie B
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Here's what the author had to say when I emailed her:

Well, JB, you didn't understand it. It's satire. That's why it seems
contradictory; through much of it, I'm saying things I don't mean, adopting
the attitudes of ignorant right-wing Americans precisely to demonstrate how
foolish they are, using ridiculously extreme language that no responsible
journalist would use. I am praising Canada. I save my sincere feelings to
drive the point home at the end.

It got into print because my editors recognize irony.

Samantha Bennett
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Old 09-01-03, 01:11 PM   #15
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well my brother is gay and im glad that they legalized same sex marriages becuase i want him to be happy in life, hes already gotten it pretty rough. Hes the same as everyone else, he only came out last year, why shouldnt he be allowed to be happy? I dont understand why some people think its such a huge deal? it doesnt affect them
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