Man-o-man! Was today ever an awesome herp day or what?! I got so many new pets! Of course, I wasn't expecting to get any of them so soon but I don't mind not having to wait!
First of all, here is my oh-so-adorable-and-small male rat from Pixie. He is a pet and will soon be bred to my other two females who I too bought from Pixie. Even though my females are seriously 4x his size, they get along fine. Turmeric, my black and white rat, even shares her food with him! He is such a cutie! Thanks, Anny!!<br>
<img src=""><br>*****<br>
Second of all, here is my Rio Grande Gold Tarantula from arachnomania! I've been wanting one for a long time now and was definately planning on buying one within the next few months but really wasn't expecting one so soon! Never the less, she is adorable, has beautiful colours and is very cuddly!! Thanks, Rob!<br>
<img src=""><br>
Third of all, here is my gorgeous red-leg millipede. Although I have always wanted a millipede, I knew that I would never own one... especially one as beautiful as my little, or should I say big boy! He too is from arachnomania. I honestly was not expecting to bring one hom today! It was kind of like "Hey Emily, do you want a red leg millipede?" "Of course!" "Okay, here you go!" He is SUCH A SWEETIE and such a pig! I just can't put him down!! Thanks, Rob!<br>
<img src=""><br>*****<br>Ah yes, and fourth of all! I just ordered another leopard gecko. He is a male super hypo tangerine carrottail from the urban gecko but I will not have him in my hands until Sept. 5th, 6th, or 7th. He is so gorgeous! Check him out:<br><img src=""><br>If the pic doesn't show, go to<br>*****<br>Okay, now Kesare isn't too new... I've had her for a bit over a week but didn't get photos until now. So many of you have read about her and have been waiting for photos of her. Well, good news! They are finally here! kesare is also from Arachnomania and oh my god... she is one helluva dream tarantula! Thank you so much, Rob!!<br>
<img src=""><br>*****<br>Hehe so yeah... look who got treated big time today! Thanks Anny, thanks rob, thanks mom and dad!!
Tell me what you think!!