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Old 07-28-03, 11:17 AM   #1
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Smile Here's everything I can think to tell you.

Hi everyone and thanks so much for the replies! My little girl is a captive bred captive hatched 5 month old. I bought her from a breeder. She had eaten a mouse fuzzie for them and I've had her two weeks. Her humidity stays around 70 or 80 percent and her temp is 85-90 on the hot side of her tank during the day. She has a hide box and the water bowl is on the cool side. Her eyes are milky but only at the top of her eyes and her left eye has a little sunken place like it's dry. I've offered her live mice fuzzies and thawed mice fuzzies for the past 2 fridays and she has refused both times. I haven't handled her much for the past week except for spritzing the cage and spot cleaning. I'm using cypress mulch as her substrate to help regulate humidity. If I left something out let me know. Oh...the closest reptile vet is over 2 hours away and my appointment isn't until next week. It seems it's a very busy place. Thanks again!
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Old 07-28-03, 12:14 PM   #2
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Your humidity is a bit to high try dropping it to about 60%
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Old 07-28-03, 12:42 PM   #3
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Yet, if the snake has milky eyes you might want to keep the humidity where it is. And don't feed live!!
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Old 07-28-03, 06:22 PM   #4
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Not sure if this will help her feed, but she should have a hide on the warm side, too. Does she act hungry at night? (is she actively crawling around the tank, like she's looking for food?)
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Old 07-28-03, 08:45 PM   #5
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If her eyes look milky, you'll definitely want to keep the humidity on the higher side until she sheds... after that you can lower it down to around 60%. As Lily said, you'll also want to give her a hide on the warm side as well as one on the cool side -- she needs to be able to pick her ideal temp and not have to choose between feeling secure, and feeling warm enough...
Sometimes it will take snakes a little while to settle in and get eating again after being moved to a new home... give her a bit more time before you really start panicking

Also, just a note -- a mouse fuzzie is quite a small prey item for a 5 month old BP. If I'm not mistaken, even hatchling BPs can handle rat fuzzies -- so if your girl is 5 months old she should definitely be able to handle those if not small rat pups/adult mice...

Hope that helped a bit
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Old 07-28-03, 09:03 PM   #6
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her cage

She has a hide on the warm side only. she can get under her water bowl but has never tried. water bowl is on the cool side. Most of the moving she does is at night. She only moves during the day when i mist her bowl and she's really quite cooperative lol.
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