Male or Female? doesn't really matter
I got my Rosy in March, and "he" was about 12 inches at the time. I feed him about once a week, which is longer than I've seen recommended for rosies his age, but I usually feed him 2 pinkies or a fat fuzzy. Well, since March, he has grown at least 4 inches!! Now, I say the bigger he gets the better, because he has a pretty spacious tank, and I would like to let him out without loosing him so easily.
I got him from a breeder, who said that he thought he was a male. I am not going to bother getting him probed, it's not that critical, but I was just curious as to what you guys thought. I think he was born in either august or september of last year, and like I said he's at least 16 inches now. I'm just wondering if my Dozer is going to end up being Dozerita! Any thoughts?