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Old 08-18-03, 07:39 PM   #1
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Head Shy

Hey, how long does it take until BP's stop being so head shy? I take mine out about 3 times a day for about 30 min. a time (for now untill I have him longer) And he has gotten a little less head shy, but not much. Is this normal?
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Old 08-18-03, 07:42 PM   #2
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It is their nature to be head shy. They are very timid snakes, hence their defense of coiling in a ball and tucking their heads in their bodies when frightened. Some balls may eventually become less head shy with handling, but you have to remember that this is their instinct nonetheless, you can try to condition their behaviour but not change it
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Old 08-18-03, 08:25 PM   #3
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My male bp is kind of head shy, as in when he's shedding and he wants that piece off the top of his head he sits very still.....otherwise he tolerates having the back of his head held (when someone that is afraid he will bite asks me to do that) he don't pull away or try to coil, just paitently sits there..........and sometimes he likes me to scratch the top of his head......and other times he just wants to be left alone.....different snakes, different "personalities" (sp??)
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Old 08-19-03, 03:03 AM   #4
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i don't know that you can really change mean that you want to pet your snake on top of its head, or something? it seems almost the snake equivalent of a knee-jerk reaction.
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