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Old 07-24-03, 12:39 PM   #1
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just checking for interest

Somebody i know through a forum has a 16 foot burm and they are moving to kentucky soon. They were looking for a rescue place to take the snake. They arent sure of the laws in kentucky regarding large snakes like this. Does anyone know what the laws are?
also i mentioned to them that i they wanted, i could post here to see if anyone would be willing to take it, but i figured i would check to see if there was any interest before they got back to me about it.

so if anybody could help me out with the laws or possibly display some interest in taking the snake (not sure if it will even be available)
would a zoo not be willing to take a snake this size?
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Old 07-24-03, 04:16 PM   #2
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No, zoos most often do not accept Burms, (although there are always exceptions). They are far too common and large for many places to even consider this. What's sad is the owners of this snake didn't plan for such an event when they got it. I have a burm a little smaller then the one you described and if I move he will go with me. This snake is my companion until one of us dies. How unfortunate to see an innocent animal in the middle of this situation. To see what KY's state laws require I would suggest contacting a veterinarian down there, or a Humane Society. They will know the information to give you, or they will direct you in the place to find that information. There are many Burm fans on this site, and if all else fails I'm sure you'll find a home for it. Whatever happens, don't have it euthanized... that would be unfair. If all else fails, give me your phone number and I'll take it. I run Samba's Reptile Rescue in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In fact, I just got a young bullsnake in today with a broken tail.

Keep us updated, and good luck!
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Old 07-24-03, 05:26 PM   #3
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well, its not my snake. Just somebody i know from another forum. They dont want to euthanise it either but werent really aware of options other than a rescue clinic type place. They want to bring it with them. I will tell them to do what you have suggested. thanks
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Old 07-24-03, 06:00 PM   #4
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I know several areas do not allow venomous, and some may have a 10 ft length limit but other than that I don't think anything else. The monkeypox scare make have caused some recent changes.
Old 07-24-03, 06:12 PM   #5
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ya..hopefully for them their isnt lenth limit. They just dont want to bring it and then have it get sick, take it to the vet and learn that they have to put it down. I told them to call the vet or animal control to find out the laws of certain states
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Old 07-24-03, 09:31 PM   #6
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They would have to contact the state DNR office first. If the state has no laws against them then contact City Hall and ask what the laws are for the city they are moving to. If they cannot have the snake where they are going, I would be willing to take the snake. I already have an adult female Burm, so I know what is involved and how to take care of them already. They could always keep the snake anyway. They'd just have to limit who knows about the snake and not make anyone mad that knows they have it. If the snake gets sick though you could run into problems. A lot of vets would treat the snake and not turn them in (they're treating reptiles because they love reptiles, they don't want to see them killed any more than the owners do).

Last edited by Teana; 07-24-03 at 09:34 PM..
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Old 07-24-03, 10:45 PM   #7
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thats great teana, ill let them know your interested if it comes down to that. That was their main fear, if they brought it against the law, it getting sick and a vet putting it down. also wouldnt it be hard to get the snake in the house without the neighbours seeing?
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Old 07-25-03, 07:05 AM   #8
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Gaboon and everyone for all the info.
My husband works for GM and has to transfer to the GM plant in Kentucky it's a better and more secure job.
We have a burmese that is well taken care of but as Gaboon said I don't want to take him to kentucky and because of some law we did not know about they put him down.
We will be going to Kentucky in August 6-10 I will go speak to animal control and ask if there are laws against owning a burm.
I contacted the Herp rescue here and she has no room for him and the lady that wanted him never called me again..
He is the perfect burm, gentle and non-aggressive, just hissy he hates the vet tries to show him up, I can't help but laugh as I leave the vet's office.
I guess Vald wants to make sure we got our $40 dollars we are paying the vet.
His name is Vald The Inhaler and he is a burmese that thinks he
is a cobra..
Thank-you everyone for your thoughts..
And Gaboon it was wonderful for you to help me in my situation and post for me also for showing me this great board!!
I will know more August 10th when i get home and will post on the outcome.
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Old 07-25-03, 03:59 PM   #9
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BurmeseLover - Keep in mind that IF you do take Vlad, and he is discovered he can lose his life if there are laws in place. Instead of asking "What snakes are allowed?" I would ask Animal Control where you might obtain an exotic animal license/permit.

This is what I have for my Burm. They will enter your property, check to make sure the Burm is an escape proof enclosure, see that you have been caring for him properly, (Food, Water, Shelter, Heat Source), and they should issue you a permit. You get these yearly, and mine costs $50.00 a year.

As strange as it sounds, if you get a 'business license' that could also cover the Burm as long as your 'business' deals with reptiles. If you ask these people 'what is allowed' they will probably walk all over you. Pretend this is what you've done before, and now that you've moved you need to get another license, and it's no big deal.

If you need to find your snake a home, many of us here would love to have him. I run a reptile rescue and I provide a placment service for those animals I can't take it. If you would like for me to have people contact you regarding the burm, let me know. All of the people on my 'waiting list' are experienced reptile owners looking to adopt a pet that has no other options.

I wish you and Vlad the best of luck!
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Old 07-26-03, 09:53 AM   #10
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I am not up to speed on the KY laws, but if you will contact these people, they can tell you anything you will ever need to know.
__________________ 2.2 Crotalus adamanteus. 2.2 Crotalus h. atricaudatus. 2.2 Crotalus h. horridus. 1.1 Agkistrodon p. piscivorus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. contortrix. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. mokasen. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. laticinctus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. pictigaster. Agkistrodon c. phaeogaster. 1.2 Sistrurus miliarius barbouri. 1.1 Micrurus fulvius. 0.0.1 Micrurus fulvius tenere
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