Crypto aka cryptosperidium is a small aquatic parasite that can be found in drinking water. Generally following a mild winter. There was an outbreak in the Kelowna drinking water about six years ago. Boiling the water does nothing because you still ingest the dead parasite and still become ill! A lot of people here got sick, myself included. I had a fever/chill/fever/chill for four days that I don't remember. I never get sick and can not remember the last time I had a flu or a cold but this knocked me on my a$$. It is the most sick I have ever been. Apperently this can also occur in reptiles. If it treated me that bad.......I pitty the rep. that gets it. By the way I have not drank tap water since and most of your Britta and under sink filters do not filter out the cyrpto. Hope this helps.