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Old 07-17-03, 03:07 PM   #1
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leo genetics question

Ok my sister was wondering about her leos and got me wondering. If one is a male and one a female what types of babies might they have? We don't know the sexes yet but she was just curious. we also don't know their genetics because they came from petco.

I think Treasure is a Pastel because it is so light and I think it may be a female but only time will tell...

And Mystic is an albino and I think it is a male...

Also what about mine?
Amazon I believe is male and is an abberrant phase gecko...

And Baby I believe is female and is a Tangerine leo...

So what do you think? If it is still too hard to even guess what they will have if bred I understand, we were just curious and we don't even know what sex they are for sure anyway...


Last edited by Dark_Angel_x322; 07-17-03 at 10:26 PM..
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Old 07-17-03, 03:44 PM   #2
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Uhm, well I'm not much on phases, but the last gecko does look like she might have tangerine genes in it, but you never can tell. If you want geckos of certian phases you should buy babies and/or adults from breeders. They will know with almost 100% certainty. Cute babies though!
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Old 07-17-03, 05:11 PM   #3
Tim and Julie B
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Well Treasure is a real cutie, but not a pastel. It's quite easy to tell a pastel from a normal if you've seen them before. They ALWAYS look like they are going to shed. The black seems very faded. The albino pic didn't work for me so I can't say for sure. Amazon is an abberant stripe, very pretty! And that is a great pic of Baby. Lots of good tang genes in there. I would call 'her' a regular phase tangerine. 'She' will probably always be fairly dark, but if bred to a hypo tang male/female some day, the babies will be awesome. Nice leos there. And I do agree with Samba that to be 100% sure of phase and lineage, buy from breeders. Even if it means saving for a long time to go to a show, you'll be much happier with the quality of the animals you get. I would glady have only one perfect specimen than 20 pet store ones. Thanks for sharing your pics. If you are curious about what you get when you breed different phases, you may want to check this out
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Old 07-17-03, 11:31 PM   #4
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Are you sure she is not a pastel? Her dark is light like a tan or gray color... I took a picture of her next to Baby to show the difference. She just seems too light to be a normal.

Baby is on the left and Treasure is on the right.
I also fixed the albino link so it should work now.

Thanks for you help that site looks like it will be very useful. Another question though... How do you know if a trait is dominant, recessive, or codominant in leos without breeding? also should I guess about the hetro, homozygous, and WT? or is something like albinoism a homo trait? Tangerine?
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Old 07-18-03, 01:06 AM   #5
Tim and Julie B
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As far as dominant, co-dominant and recessive, I am not sure. As far as Heterozygous-means that is carries a trait (ie.albino, blizzard, ghost) they look like regular leos, but when two of the same trait are bred together the babies have a good chance of being blizzard, albino, ghost, etc.
Homozygous is the trait they carry, ie whatever phase they are.
WT just means without trait, which helps narrow down the genetic line when one reptile has more traits than the other.

Perhaps time will tell whether or not treasure is pastel. My pastels are ashy-white with pale yellow blotches and were born with faded bands. They are getting lighter and lighter. It's hard to say if she will lighten up any more, but for now I'd say she's a pretty little normal
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Old 07-18-03, 01:23 AM   #6
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ok thanks!
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Old 07-18-03, 08:02 AM   #7
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I would really make sure they are good and healthy given where you bought them from before you breed them. Get fecals done for all of them more than one time and a couple months apart. CUte babies though.
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Old 07-18-03, 09:57 AM   #8
Colonel SB
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Yeah the first one is not a pastel, a very pretty normal though.
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Old 07-18-03, 11:03 AM   #9
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Sorry long post

Ok one more thing I read that albinoism is recessive trait since you can have a leo that carries the trait but doesn't show it. So that means Mystic is homozygous recessive for albinoism which helps me a lot but now I am wondering if Tangerine is also a recessive trait...
Is there such thing as heterozygous(het) for tangerine? if so then it is also a recessive gene and Baby would be homozygous tang because she shows the trait.

So if these are true, I only use normal, albino, and tang traits, if mystic is male and baby is female, and i breed them then I have 4 scenarios...

1) Mystic is a normal albino and Baby is a normal tang a breeding would result in: all normal double hets (none show either trait).

2)mystic is a albino het for tang and baby is a normal tang. then i would get: 1/2 normal double hets & 1/2 tangs het for albino.

3) mystic is a normal albino and baby is a tang het for albino. then I would get: 1/2 normal double hets & 1/2 albinos het for tang.

4) mystic is an albino het for tang and baby is a tang het for albino. then I would get: 1/4 normal double hets, 1/4 normal tangs het for albino, 1/4 normal albinos het for tang, and 1/4 tangerine albinos.

the first 3 are the more likely scenarios and i would be very luck if the last were true. Knowing my luck the first is probably true...

I chose to work out this crossing just because it would be the most interesting and the easiest. I am not sure of the nature of the abberant phase and so I can't predict it and if treasure is a normal then it would be boring unless she was some form of a het.

Sorry if this is too bio technical, I was a bio major for a while and one of my loves was genetics. Let me know what you think tho!
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