my 300 gallon holding tank in the garage is just not big enough for my koi to winter over in again. so I helped build an indoor pond for my parents house. it looks awsome. these pics were taken a week ago, since then, we've put panels over the whole thing to give it a clean apperance. i'll get more updated pics later
me and pops stressing about the mess we got ourselves into
all done outside
inside after being full for 4 days (no drop in level... thank god), just capping the liner
all done, compare to the 200 gallon tank in the wall which is 3'x3'x3'
the dimensions are 7'x7' along the wall, 3'x3' off the wall, and 6.5' along the front with 26" of water.
the boards are 4"x12"s interlocking on each end, with 2' dowells every 24". the plates on each end are 1/4 inch plants bent to hold everything together.
makes for roughly a 700gallon pond. The parents do not want to heat it at all because of humidity reasons, so the only things stocked will be goldfish, koi and maybe a nice albino channel cat

all in all, about 15 hours of work (including running around time) and the costs were about $200cnd so far (liner $180, planks were free, bolts and dowels $20)