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Old 07-07-03, 06:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2003
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Question help

i have a baby ball python that got out of her cage and i just found her after about 2 weeks she is really skinny so i put her into her cage let her sit their for a day or so and then tried to feed her a mouse she wont eat now when she used to eat like a pig can anyone help?
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Old 07-07-03, 07:39 AM   #2
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Balls can notoriously picky eaters....

Exactly how skinny is she?
Can you see the spinal column easily?

Two weeks really isn't long enough to put a dent in a balls weight, unless she was a skinny baby to start with, but here's some tricks that work with most non feeding snakes.

Husbandry- check it first, temps and humidity.
If either or are off, correct them and give it a day or so to acclimate. Try B12 oral drops in the water (appetite stimulant)

Feed at night and do not disturb the animal- cover the tank if needed so it becomes a private affair for the snake.

Bag method - Place the snake and a dead food item in a paper bag, fold over and staple shut then poke a few air holes near the top with a pencil. Leave in the cage overnight.

Deli cup method - Same idea as the bag, but using a small snap-lid container, with airholes, dead food and overnight in the tank.

Colors - try different colored foods. Maybe it has a fixation with a certain color, it either wants that color only, or it now hates that color.

Braining - Dead food with a hole poked in the brain cavity. A sharp nail works good for this. Many times, the scent of the body fluids will trigger a response.

Bumping - Using tongs to lightly tap the food (dead) along the side of the snake to simulate a live active dinner. Never tap it in the face or on the head as this will make the snake feel vulnerable and fearfull of the food.

The Dance - Using tongs, grasp the food (dead) near its shoulders
and 'walk' it around the cage as if it is a scared live rodent. (this one works good on balls that want live)

I don't recommend forced feed or assist feed at all yet. (last resort.. and can make the snake refuse to eat on its' own for a while...)
You can also try the above in different combinations, but if it still refuses to eat after the first attempt, don't bug it, let it wait a day, then try again.
If it gets to the point where you are in fear of it dying from not eating, then by all means, get it to a good vet for a possible assist or tube feeding and a fecal.. It was out for two weeks and it is very possible that it may have eaten a baby mouse or two while out, which can lead to parasites, so I highly suggest getting a fecal done.
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Old 07-13-03, 01:12 PM   #3
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I'd say she is stresed leave her for another week without disturbing her at all! then try feeding her again.
"Is she not right, is she insane?"
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Old 07-13-03, 06:50 PM   #4
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I agree she is stressed. It doesn't take much to stress a snake out. Just give her week with no handling and no feeding attempts and she should be ok.
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