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Old 07-07-03, 11:13 PM   #1
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New colors???

Someone I know has just had her Corn eggs hatch and she has some interesting color patterns that i have never seen before or even heard of, and i was wondering if anyone could help us identify them. 3 are very much Charcoal but with a wierd twist: they have little red dots between the saddles, almost looks like chicken pocks! And 1 baby is Okeetee have way down its body then it cuts right off and turns to a very dark Charcoal. Sorry i have no pics but if anyone has even heard of anything like this please give us your info. Thanks a bunch!
0.1 Central American Boa, 0.1 Ball Python, 3.4.1 Corns (5 Snows/Amel/ Sunglow/Granite), 0.0.1 Florida King Snake, 0.1 Blue Tongue Skink, 1 White's Tree Frog, 4 Bettas

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Old 07-08-03, 03:20 PM   #2
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Some pics would be most helpful...
- Ken LePage
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Old 07-08-03, 07:00 PM   #3
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I know, but this is her first time with babies and she hasn't gotten around to the picture stage yet, but i thought i would just see if anyone has ever seen anything like what i described, because if you had ever seen anything like them you would know right away what i was talking about they are very distinct looking.
0.1 Central American Boa, 0.1 Ball Python, 3.4.1 Corns (5 Snows/Amel/ Sunglow/Granite), 0.0.1 Florida King Snake, 0.1 Blue Tongue Skink, 1 White's Tree Frog, 4 Bettas

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Old 07-08-03, 07:32 PM   #4
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Lol i know my first time with babies i'll be taking pics all the time. yay for digital cameras
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Old 07-09-03, 12:19 AM   #5
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Another problem is that with babies, you never know what they'll look like when they grow up....
--Winged Wolf
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Old 07-09-03, 01:08 AM   #6
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Knowing what the parents were and what they are or may be het for would also help. If they just hatched you'll see a big difference even after their first shed.
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Old 07-09-03, 06:13 PM   #7
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i would say the ones with the chiken pac patern is blody rash hets most likley and that is also a new morph to
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Old 07-10-03, 03:02 PM   #8
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see what happens after they have shed.

They will turn out totally different from what they look like a year later. I have an orange candy cane from Don that is totally red a few months ago.....and last week when I took a look at her again she is now bright orange.......(in fact one of the most intense orange and white that I have in my candy cane collection)

So post some photos and see what happens later on!

It'll be great to find another new morph in the corn snakes~
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Old 07-13-03, 08:28 PM   #9
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Thanks all for the info, I will try to get pics up especially if i get a couple of them. That would be very awesome if it was some kind of new morph!!! The one that is half charcoal and half okeetee is really fantastic! I will post again in a couple of weeks and let you all know how things develop.
0.1 Central American Boa, 0.1 Ball Python, 3.4.1 Corns (5 Snows/Amel/ Sunglow/Granite), 0.0.1 Florida King Snake, 0.1 Blue Tongue Skink, 1 White's Tree Frog, 4 Bettas

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Old 07-13-03, 08:51 PM   #10
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FireSerpent -

I saw a picture on It sounds like a frosted corn to me. They change their pattern about halfway down the body in some. Have a look there.. they have 65 morphs, but if you look through the ones that say "frosted" you'll find one that fits the description you posted above.
- Ken LePage
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