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Old 07-21-03, 09:36 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: hamilton, ontario, canada
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breeding questions... please...

I have an albino corn male, he's around 20 months old. To give you a size of his girth, he eats an adult mouse and doens't show too much of a bulge. He is healthy, and sheds regularly, and eats well. The female that I want to pair him with is around 3.5 years old, and is extremely large for a female corn. She eats a rat and shows little bulge. My questions are as follows...

1) is the spring the only time you should breed?
2) is the female too big for the male, or, pardon the pun, does size matter? will she bite him or something? is there any other dangers?

I have cathy love's book, the corn snake manual, but i can't fine those answers in it.
Thanks so much,
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Old 07-21-03, 09:45 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun-2003
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o yea i gotta question too...can u put a male and a female together in a cage. like live together not just for breeding
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Old 07-21-03, 10:17 PM   #3
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Well, corns, or so I have heard, can be bred any season but the best season is spring, and you will get best results if the introduction follows a small period of brumation. The difference in size may make him nervous but you can try it and see what happens.

And no you can't keep a male and female corn together year round, they will breed whether you want them to or not and you would be unprepared, the female would also become very unhealthy due to constant breeding and making of eggs and not eating when carrying eggs and so on. If too young to breed, the female could become egg-bound as well.
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