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Old 05-26-03, 09:57 PM   #1
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The right lizard for me...?

My baby Sav just died....

So, I'm lizard shopping again. I'm a snake girl, so I couls use a little help picking something out. I'm looking for a lizard that gets fairly large (at least the size of an adult bearded dragon) that is handlable, and pretty calm. I know lizards go through craziness as juvis, and I can handle that as long as s/he grows out of it.

My ideal lizard would enjoy being handled, eating vegies or large crix or mealworms (small crix are impossible to find around here).

Turn-offs for me include being bitten and clawed, whipped with tails, prima donna behavior and requirments, and frequent visits to the vet.

My turn-ons are playing with my pets (within reason), setting up complicated caging environments for active species, watching my pets explore and play around their cages on their own, and knowing my pets are eating well and getting fat (again, within reason).

I like the look of monitors, but there is no way I'm getting another Sav...I hate when my pets die, and this is only the second reptile I have lost *ever* and I don't intend to repeat the experience. Any ideas, anyone? I'm doing my research as well, but I'd like some opinions. Thanks!

- Victoria :w
0.2 Ball Pythons (Idunna & Freja), 1.2 Corn Snakes(Arden/Vanora & Liath), 1.0 Columbian Boa(Ruadh), 0.1 Rough Green Snake(Caoilin), 0.1 Trans-Pecos Rat Snake, 1.0 Western Hognose Snake(Perth), 0.1 Northern Blue-Tongued Skink
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Old 05-26-03, 10:00 PM   #2
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Are you passing over Beardies? I LOVE them, but I know some people don't really like them. They are so sweet natured, so full of personality. Spike used to chase our cats when they walked by his tank. And when out, he would glady walk over to where we keep the crickets and stand there impatiently waiting for a treat.

For a bit more money you can get some OUTSTANDING colored Beardies that are nothing like the normal brown/tan. Beardies love crickets, mealies and veggies. When older they can eat more and more veggies.

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Old 05-26-03, 10:21 PM   #3
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I also am a snake person but i had a Uromastyx given to me and they are such a cool lizard here is my two Uromastyx the black one is a Mali and the Orange one is a Nigerian

good luck with getting your new lizard
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Old 05-26-03, 10:25 PM   #4
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I agree with the Uromastyx. They eat veggies as well, and that saves money. Coool to handle and easy to care for.
1.1 Leo - 0.2 Ball Python - 0.1 Beardie - 0.0.1 Rocky Mount. Toad.
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Old 05-26-03, 11:09 PM   #5
Tim and Julie B
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I like beardies but I was going to choose a Uro. There are a lot of cool lizards out there. Any species of Agamid fits that discription. I had a blue throuted that was a sweetie. See what is around in your local market and then have a poll!
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Old 05-26-03, 11:48 PM   #6
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I'm not passing over beardies, just looking to get a few options to research. My top priority here is a lizard with personality, that I can handle and interact with. I worry a bit about beardeds because they eat crickets as babies, and the pet shop around here is very unreliable about keeping crickets in stock. They always have mealworms and other worms of various kinds, but sometimes will go a week without crix. I also have neither the time nor the inclination to keep a cricket colony.

So, personality, handlability, and a hearty apetite for readily available food. Do beardeds fit that description? I have always thought they were cute...

I have also heard blue-tongued skinks are fun and easy-going (but pricey). Anyone keep these?

- Victoria :w
0.2 Ball Pythons (Idunna & Freja), 1.2 Corn Snakes(Arden/Vanora & Liath), 1.0 Columbian Boa(Ruadh), 0.1 Rough Green Snake(Caoilin), 0.1 Trans-Pecos Rat Snake, 1.0 Western Hognose Snake(Perth), 0.1 Northern Blue-Tongued Skink

Last edited by SnowFoxx; 05-26-03 at 11:51 PM..
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Old 05-27-03, 09:23 AM   #7
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I keep a blue tongued skink. In my opinion, they are the best pet lizard! Mine walks around on the floor w/my cats and well-behaved dog. He is a little intimidated by the dog, but he has no problem at all w/the cats. He is an omnivore, eats frozen mixed vegies, some fruits, crickets (large), nightcrawlers, low fat chicken cat food (canned), and superworms. Also plain cooked chicken. He has lots of personality! He greets me in the morning when i say hi. Blue tongues are not the most active lizards in the world, tho. They move kinda slow, just basking and hanging out. I have had my bt for 3 1/2 years and have never had any kind of health problem. They are very hardy! I highly recommend them as pets. Mine even trys to crawl up my arm for some out of the cage time. They don't mind being handled at all as long as you are gentle and respectful.

Get a blue tongued skink!

PS As for your feeling about crickets, a bt certainly does not need to have crickets. Actually, I feed them very rarely. I use mostly nightcrawlers, chicken cat food, and cooked chicken.

Last edited by LISA127; 05-27-03 at 09:30 AM..
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Old 05-27-03, 09:36 AM   #8
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Snowfox, you may want to try Ackies.
you had your sav, which is really nice however wild caught. Ackies are all CB now. They really are fascinating animals, and rarely run into problems and of course, they are varanids like your sav.

Grow to about the size of an adult beardie, maybe a bit bigger.
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Old 06-01-03, 08:59 PM   #9
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If your looking for something that doesn't need crickets go for a blue tongue, mine hasn't had crickers in over a year and she's doing great. They will eat anything you give them or anything you find in your fridge from pasta and mashed potatoes to insects and cat food, they are not picky eaters.
They have loads of personality and are extremely handlable.
0.1 Ball Python, 1.0 Savanah Monitor, 1.1 German Giants, 1.0.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Argentine Black & White Tegu, 1.1 Leopard Gecko's, 0.1 Red Eared Slider, 1.0 Albino Pac Man Frog, plus a dog, cat, fish, hamster, and newt
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Old 06-02-03, 05:06 PM   #10
Colonel SB
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MY vote goes to a Dumerlis monitor they are awsome. I had the pleasure of careing for one for 8 months(wile my bud was away on busniess). They tend to be pricey but they are well worth it.
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Old 06-03-03, 11:00 PM   #11
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I have a uro and a beardie and they are both great!! I also have a yellow throated plated lizard who is very kind. Everyone thought he was a skink (duh). But that may be a good pet. He doesn't bite, claw, or smack you with his tail. He eats as beardie, and enjoys the odd silkworm here and there. I have a pic of him on my site. He likes to burrow and climb, and is very active. but when he is out, he just like to hang out on your shoulder. I have no idea of where to get one. This one was adopted from Reptilia. But a worth while herp to have.
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Old 06-03-03, 11:11 PM   #12
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Ackies, Uros, Beardies *cringe*, Water Dragons, or Blue Tongues are all suitable options. Easy to handle and shouldn't die on you. Sometimes the WC monitors come in with too many problems... most of the above are typically CB (I don't know about the states, but in Canada the bulk of them are still WC).

Originally posted by ThEmAdHaTtEr
I agree with the Uromastyx. They eat veggies as well, and that saves money.
Would have to disagree with veggies being a for most veggies, they won't be able to eat all the food (they all require variety in their diet) before it expires (unless you have a good number of them)... and the larger veggie eaters (tortoises, etc) will eat more $$ daily than most other reptiles. In short I would have to say they don't save money, but rank super high for convenience... no insects to be hassled with
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Old 06-03-03, 11:24 PM   #13
scott hough
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Personally, I enjoy Beardies and Ackies. Both are highly entertaining .

Have fun finding a new pet!
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Old 06-09-03, 10:47 AM   #14
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Depending upon what your experience with lizards is - and how much you are willing to spend both on the animal, it's housing, and maintenance should all be a factor. Snakes tend to be more forgiving in almost all aspects of care as opposed to lizards. Many species have strong strong UV requirements - and need much larger enclosures than their serpentine counterparts. If I had to make a recommendation based on your requirements, I'd go with a blue tongue skink.
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Old 06-09-03, 12:15 PM   #15
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Waterdragons, Rule, Mine Have been the Most Handleable ever, And they have great Personalities, I have noticed all mine are very differnet in personality! I think they R soo cool , Mine are the best lizards I own!
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