Tried to put them together....
Well, I took my leos out today at put them together on my bed. My female was just kinda walkin around, and the male was sniffen at her and lookin at her and all this. Every time he would walk up to her she would turn her head and walk the other way. Then, I put them both in *her* cage. (I know I know, your supposed to put the fem with the male but they seemed fine on the bed.). So he walks into her fav hide that shes always in...She follows and stops half way so I can see her tail, the tail started shaking like when shes hunting and then I heard the sand kick up. I quickly lifted the hide and put the male back. I know she tried to have a go at him, and hes smaller so I was worried he would have gotten torn up. Do you think if I put her in HIS cage nothing would happen? Is it just *her* territory? Thanks guys. (Sorry for novel message)
1.1 Leo - 0.2 Ball Python - 0.1 Beardie - 0.0.1 Rocky Mount. Toad.