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04-21-03, 09:17 AM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Posts: 4
Bad Fall off limb/ bearing eggs
 my 20 ft.burm, while bearing eggs decides she wants to get up in the limb. as she was comming down off of there,about 5 foot of here from tail to probly close to intestine took a bad fall, her whole area now is swollen up and you can not see the eggs anymore, Ive put her in the bathtub, w/ aveno solution and let her sit ther for about 4 hous in luke warm water, but the swelling still has not gone down . my vet is out of town on vacation, and im afraid to pick her up and take to the emergency vet, worring that I might hurt her even more by moving her!!! if anyone can give advise please feel free to do so.Ive had this girl for 7 yearsand i dont want to loose her now!!!
04-21-03, 06:32 PM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Posts: 4
The swelling was from 4 broken ribs, took x-rays and she drake quite a bit of pedialite. time is the only thing that can heel her. The good news is none of the eggs ruptured, and ill end up with a whole bunch of baby berms.
04-22-03, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Age: 42
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that is a perfect exampel of why I say larg constrictor should not be be in tall cages the extra hight is not needed and is not good if the snake looses it's hold then bam a trip to the vet that could have ben easaly avoided I only give burms and retic's 4 feet max in hightthat would have ben a nasty vet bill if she would have ben egg bound after that or if a rib wouldhave punctured one of her lungs or her heart.
I had this debat B4 and ppl said that it would never happen that snakes a great climers but a 20 foot burm is far from being in the trees the only reason I can think of is if you have heat lamps she wanted to bask and to do that she needed to climb.
Any way I said what I needed to say. I was just waited to see a post like this to close my debat and prove my point.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
04-22-03, 07:04 PM
Join Date: Mar-2003
Location: Dallas, Texas
Posts: 1,010
i am glad to hear about the eggs. and ya i agree with not haveing tall cages. also they seem to never want to climb if you handle them. and also WOW 20 ft. that a big burm
"Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." -Thomas Jefferson
04-26-03, 10:30 AM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Posts: 4
Its not that I want to debate w/ anyone over this, she is doing much better. and yes if she were eggbound I would have been screwed.
my albino is 6 years old, very well taken cared of, and if I were a python Id be spoiled rotten. for bieing 20 foot she is one of the most docile creatures I have ever had. I have 3 berms and one ball, 2 males for the one female, she had given eggs last year for the first time. And like before, I documented everything I did the first time. The only thing I can think of that I may have done wrong is the humidity was around 60% Temp was fine. Why she had gone up in the tree, Ill never know? It happens, But if its any idea that,Ihave a large cage cage I do!!! 24x4x4 w/a hole cut on top so limb can drop to ground,on top is 8ft high x 4 foot wide W/ 6 -7%4ft uvb bulbs on ceiling in cased. screened in.You dont want to see my electric bill in the winter. I love my berms, and that may seem a bit overboard for taking care of them,But at least im trying to meet the surroundings,from which they came from.
04-26-03, 04:55 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Age: 42
Posts: 1,279
adults burms don't climb they are a terrestrial animal and you should think about making a long and wide cage insted of a tall cage. That way you will not have this happen again
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
04-26-03, 05:05 PM
Join Date: Jan-2003
Location: Montreal
Age: 33
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Well I'm glad that she will be OK. I wish her the best of luck on getting better!
04-29-03, 09:07 AM
Join Date: Apr-2003
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April 28th, 9:18 pm
For those who maybe interested in knowing, my albino started laying eggs last night. I spent most of the night baby sitting her, due to the fall. needless to say,the calsium has secluded the eggs,and so far we have 27 W/ one bad. got most of them in incubator, and when I left her, she was still producing.
Will cheack up on her in a couple of hours. took some beautifull shots of her while laying eggs soon as i can figue out how to post them on the net I will. the curious thing about all of this is,The male was more in my face, & wraped around her as well, he was bieing more comforting tha aggresive. my albino just let him be around her, which is very unusual.But anyway enough of that , the critacal part sets in now, 70 days and counting!!!
05-03-03, 01:52 AM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Age: 42
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was it a albino and a het or 2 albinos cause whne the eggs hatch I would love to have one a het would be nice cause if I want to breed them later on i just need a albino any ways let us know how things are going and PM me a price for what ever you want to sell and we will se what's what. My g/f wants a burm but she wants it to be as small as possible when she gets it....LOL she wants to do all the steps her self and cause it is a burm I would like to get her off on a good footyou know trying to play with 10 foot burm for the first time is not verry encouraging.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
05-19-03, 05:06 AM
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