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Old 05-14-03, 07:51 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2002
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Question about shed cycle?

My anery laid her clutch on May 4th. According to the person I bought her from she had better weight this year before being bred then the previous year. Also she was heavier after laying then she was after coming out of brumation so I decided for a double clutch her for the first time with my snow. She ate her first meal on May 6th then I introduced her to the snow on May 7th at dusk. I took her out the next morning before leaving for work. I check on her when I got home and found that she had started to turn blue. It's easy to see in anerys and amels, the whole snake turns blue. I fed her and re-introduced her to the snow again. I left her in there for one more night then I took her out again. I left her in her cage and fed her again on May 12th. She did not want to take the food so I placed her in a smaller Rubbermaid over night with the food and a rock in case she wanted to shed. On the morning of the 13th shed ate, defecated but still no shed. I cleaned her and re-introduced her to the snow. I've not witnessed any copulation so I'm not sure what is happening. He courted her like mad on the 7th but now nothing. My plan was to separated them and wait for her to shed and re-introduce her hopping that she would smell nice and that this shed would not close the season for me but now she appears to be holding off on that shed altogether. To sum up she started turing blue on the 8th and today 6 days later still no shed. I know it can take up to ten days for the whole process to occure but her eyes cleared on the 9th as if she had turned it off or something. It has been my experience that with 3 days of the eys clearing the skin is removed.
Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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Old 05-16-03, 05:54 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 83
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in my experience, my snkaes usually shed after like 3 or 4 days after the eyes became clear again. But I have had a few take as long as 10 days after the eyes cleared before the shed happened. I found this to be my fault for having the humidity too low.

So, check your humidity and be patient.

And good luck with double clutching her this year.
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