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Old 05-02-03, 08:30 AM   #1
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Another annoying humidity question


I have read back over posts to look for suggestions and I am using most of them but my egg humidity is still low.

I am using a Sterilite shoebox. Incubation them in reptile room, night temps no lower than 75, day temps around 78-83.

2-4 inches of vermeculite. usually one drip comes out of a handful sqeezed. All eggs mostly 3/4 covered.

I have a full water dish IN the box, as well as a damp paper towel loosely over the eggs.

I am NOT opening the lid any more than needed to check humidity (which would be twice now over a few days) but even so I am switching to a piece of glass so I wont have to open it at all.

But my humidity is still only 80%....17 of the eggs have no dents. But two of them have a few dents. Any suggestions? Is this sufficent?

Thanks guys
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Old 05-03-03, 03:29 AM   #2
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Using moist sphagnum moss on top of the eggs helps. If those are colubrid eggs, 80% humidity should be fine if the eggs are good. Sometimes some eggs will always be slightly dented. Just keep an eye they don't dent in anymore than they have. THey should be ok.

One thing I noticed is that your temps fluctuate a tad too much. Try to keep fluctuations to a minimum, say about max 5F difference between max high and max low. Drastic temp fluctuation can cause problems for the developing embryo.
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