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Old 08-08-17, 02:12 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2017
Location: West Valley, UT
Posts: 43
Branches in vivarium

I'm planning a 4x2x4 enclosure for a carpet python. I have some nice elm branches that I'd like to use. Would they be safe for the vivarium? Would they start to rot eventually? How can I keep them from rotting?
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Old 08-08-17, 02:18 PM   #2
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Re: Branches in vivarium

If they are dried out now then they will last years. It's only when exposed to a lot of water or bugs will they start to rot. I've had wood branches in my cages for the past few years and they still look the same.
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Old 08-08-17, 02:25 PM   #3
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Re: Branches in vivarium

Yes they'll be safe. Imo rotting ones are the best. Lots of lovely bacteria and they look better too

Even slightly rotten ones will hold the weight of a snake for years.
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Old 08-08-17, 02:31 PM   #4
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Re: Branches in vivarium

Ideally if you live in an area where there could be snake mites you want to be able to freeze it. Alternatively I've found that just setting the log where it gets direct sunlight in the middle of summer is enough to cause most bugs to abandon ship and flee. A few pill bugs or wood mites aren't gonna kill your snake.
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Old 08-09-17, 11:48 PM   #5
Join Date: May-2017
Location: West Valley, UT
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Re: Branches in vivarium

Thank you for the replies.
I peeled the bark away and it has a few odd sun bleached stains where the wood was exposed and a few tiny black spots on it but I'm not too concerned, it's very solid. I will definitely freeze it, whether there's a chance of snake mites or not. My family may not allow me to freeze it though. Would pouring some boiling water over it sanitize it enough for vivarium use?
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Old 08-10-17, 01:51 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec-2016
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Re: Branches in vivarium

Originally Posted by StarFall View Post
Thank you for the replies.
I peeled the bark away and it has a few odd sun bleached stains where the wood was exposed and a few tiny black spots on it but I'm not too concerned, it's very solid. I will definitely freeze it, whether there's a chance of snake mites or not. My family may not allow me to freeze it though. Would pouring some boiling water over it sanitize it enough for vivarium use?
Just let it lay in full sunshine for a day on a dry surface, that will do the trick
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