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Old 02-03-17, 10:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan-2017
Age: 31
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Unexpected Loss

Today started out quite pleasant. We took a trip to our favorite local reptile store where we had some store credit and were wanting to pick up a couple new small critters. We have all of this newfound tank space so we checked out a few different lizards, geckos, etc. I found the most precious Chinese Water Dragon that I've admired every trip there. He is missing a portion of his snout so he constantly looks like he's blowing a kiss. I always root for the underdog so of course I picked him. My fiance found a Tokay Gecko which he has wanted for years. I noticed he was moving rather strange as soon as we started to head home but I figured I was being paranoid. This gecko proceeded to take his last breath in my fiance's hands wrapped up in a blanket. It was the hardest thing to watch and our first reptile loss. I know we had him for such a short period of time but I could only imagine how difficult it will be when this inevitable fate happens to something we've raised and cared for for so long. Cody is still a mess but I've reminded him of all the other babies that still need us. After these events, I'm even more motivated now to deal with my Burm's pissy princess attitude tonight. Sorry to be a sad sap, just needed to share. Maybe as a nice reminder for us all to not take even the smallest of things for granted. Thanks for reading.
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Old 02-04-17, 02:36 AM   #2
dave himself
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Re: Unexpected Loss

Sorry for your loss
I've gazed at the stars too fondly
To be afraid of the night
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Old 02-04-17, 11:05 PM   #3
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Re: Unexpected Loss

I'm so sorry for your loss.
2.5 BCIs, 1.1 BCAs, 1.1 tiger retics, 0.1 Burm, 0.1 Woma, 0.1 Colombian rainbow boa

But if anyone asks, I only have 1. The rest just showed up for the house party.
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Old 02-05-17, 03:47 AM   #4
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Re: Unexpected Loss

So sorry to read of your loss
Research, research, research and more research then buy your reptile. Fail to Prepare, then Prepare to Fail
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Old 02-07-17, 08:05 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug-2013
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Re: Unexpected Loss

Sorry for the loss, best not to get too attached to animals, they often live less long than humans (with some notable exceptions)
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