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Old 11-07-16, 03:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov-2016
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Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

Hey guys, kinda new here.

But two days ago I got my second python to my collection. She (the Woma Python) is 18 months old, feeds on hopper rats and was said to have an amazingly nice personality. When I bought her the owners said they didn't feed her the weekend before my purchase because "They always like their snakes to be in the worst mood so the new owner gets the right feel for them". So I waited a day for her to some what settle in before I fed her, when I moved her into her tank for the first time she was fine, allowed me to hold her, play with her all the fun things. But the day of feeding I pulled her out gently with the snake hook, played with her for a couple of minutes right before BAM she bit me. I carried on, getting her food ready to feed her. She's back in her tank now and all she does is stare at me, strike at me, and just eye me out in general.

So I guess the question I have is how do I go about getting her to like me? I can't even get the hook in their without her striking or wanting to kill me.

Please help me!
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Old 11-07-16, 04:04 AM   #2
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

Welcome to ssnakess! How long have you had her? Also why would you handle on feeding day? Snakes don't have the capacity to "hate", she's either hungry, stressed or both.
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Old 11-07-16, 04:16 AM   #3
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

2 days, so she is new. And it wasn't like full on handling, just kinda moving her to her feeding tub but getting distracted and just kinda letting her slither around a bit. But why would she constantly be looking out for me? Do I just not handle her for a couple days and let her settle in watching me walk past her?
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Old 11-07-16, 07:36 AM   #4
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

I'd second the idea on it being either stressed or hungry too.. Try not to handle on feed day and definitely don't use the hook before feeding..

The whole point of hook training a larger python is that they don't associate being hooked with feed day... by hooking before feeding your actually more likely to encourage bites when hooking for handling time.
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 11-07-16, 08:10 AM   #5
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

In addition to the above, consider feeding in the enclosure and not using a separate feeding tub. Less stressful for the snake. I also would wait a week before trying to feed anything as well as never handle until something has eaten a couple of times. Your'e bugging her entirely too much. Some things for you to consider.
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Old 11-07-16, 04:22 PM   #6
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

I have 5 ball pythons and a Boa Imperator and all of them were not handled or fed for the first week and they are now handling and feeding well.

I feed my snakes on a Sunday, so Sunday and Monday they never get handled, I always check on them during the day by looking to make sure they are ok, then I will start handling them again on Tuesday evening.
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Old 11-07-16, 05:04 PM   #7
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

I actually waited a whole month and 2 weeks before handling mine. I had a different situation where I ended up giving her the first 3 meals, though.
So I'll just echo everyone in saying give her some alone time. Mine stares me down too, but I think now it is just because she relates me with the appearance of food.
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Old 11-07-16, 08:19 PM   #8
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Re: Woma Python Problem... (She hates me...)

Feeding her inside her enclosure is best. There is a widespread myth that taking them out to feed reduces your chances of getting bitten but this has largely been disproven.

I wait until my snakes eat 4 times before I start to interact with them beyond spot cleaning, watering and feeding. They need that time and privacy to acclimate and become comfortable in their new homes. It's a pain to have to wait but you'll have a happier, healthier snake for it.

ETA: Using a hook is supposed to indicate to your snake that this is a handling event, not a feeding event.
0.1 Hog Island Boa, 0.1 Woma Python, 2.3 Ball Pythons, 1.1 Stimson's Pythons, 1.1 Western Hognoses, 4.6 Corns, 1.1 Mexican Milks, 2.2 Black Milks, 1.1 CA Kings, 1.1 CA Red-Sided Garters, 2.3 Trans-Pecos Rats, 2.2 Russian Rats, 1.0 Olive House Snake
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