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Old 08-10-15, 09:14 PM   #1
Tiny Boidae
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Thumbs up Any Advice?

I'm planning on getting a plumed basilisk baby here real soon (actually about six months from now, when I move and finally have the room for this beauty) and I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but does anyone have any advice to be given for these specific animals? I've read that their care is pretty similar to a water dragon (which I'm already well-aquainted with, given that I have two females in my care already), it's just that they're really flighty. That's fine with me, and I'll probably try and develop some type of relationship with it so that I'm not causing it undue stress when I'm doing daily maintenance on the enclosure, although if it doesn't want to be a "lap dog" I'm perfectly OK with that.

Question as well:

I have a fairly large outdoor enclosure (5'x5'x8') that I have my girls in sometimes. I like to take them out there right after a rainstorm or during a light drizzle, as they seem to enjoy it after they'd they've adjusted to all of the stimuli. I know that basilisks tend to be more nervous, so do you think it would be a good idea to have him/her out there as well when it gets to its adult size (not with the water dragons, they can always take turns)? It's perfectly OK if it's probably not a good idea, as I'm planning out a rep-mansion for this guy, but my girls always seem to enjoy this time outside.

Thanks for any input
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Old 08-11-15, 06:18 AM   #2
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Re: Any Advice?

Originally Posted by Tiny Boidae View Post
I'm planning on getting a plumed basilisk baby here real soon (actually about six months from now, when I move and finally have the room for this beauty) and I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but does anyone have any advice to be given for these specific animals? I've read that their care is pretty similar to a water dragon (which I'm already well-aquainted with, given that I have two females in my care already), it's just that they're really flighty. That's fine with me, and I'll probably try and develop some type of relationship with it so that I'm not causing it undue stress when I'm doing daily maintenance on the enclosure, although if it doesn't want to be a "lap dog" I'm perfectly OK with that.

Question as well:

I have a fairly large outdoor enclosure (5'x5'x8') that I have my girls in sometimes. I like to take them out there right after a rainstorm or during a light drizzle, as they seem to enjoy it after they'd they've adjusted to all of the stimuli. I know that basilisks tend to be more nervous, so do you think it would be a good idea to have him/her out there as well when it gets to its adult size (not with the water dragons, they can always take turns)? It's perfectly OK if it's probably not a good idea, as I'm planning out a rep-mansion for this guy, but my girls always seem to enjoy this time outside.

Thanks for any input
It will depend on the individual animal and how flighty/nervous it is.

These guys are pretty neat creatures. I think a nice grown male is a gorgeous and underrated animal. I think most people just don't have the proper space for them.
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Old 08-11-15, 07:06 AM   #3
Tiny Boidae
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Re: Any Advice?


I was just unsure if they were particularly susceptible to stress and if placing it outside sometimes would cause more harm than good. I can definitely experiment with it once I get him/her, although if it seems to stress it out too much after a couple tries then he can be an indoor lizard. More outside time for the girls

Yeah, I have to wait until I move because of space, but once I do I have the entire basement to house my reptiles. I plan on going pretty buck-wild on this one, with a 4'x4'x7' enclosure with some hardy, aesthetic plants (like some pothos, bromeliads, and I'm going to try planting some lucky bamboo in the water feature- see how quickly that gets destroyed). They're one of my dream animals, something I always wanted to own, so I'm definitely pouncing on the opportunity once space is no longer a concern.

Both genders I find to be absolutely stunning, although while amazing little critters, I just think that because they're typically not a "hold me" sort of lizard and that they have huge space requirements deters most people.
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Old 08-11-15, 07:44 AM   #4
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Re: Any Advice?

Originally Posted by Tiny Boidae View Post

I was just unsure if they were particularly susceptible to stress and if placing it outside sometimes would cause more harm than good. I can definitely experiment with it once I get him/her, although if it seems to stress it out too much after a couple tries then he can be an indoor lizard. More outside time for the girls

Yeah, I have to wait until I move because of space, but once I do I have the entire basement to house my reptiles. I plan on going pretty buck-wild on this one, with a 4'x4'x7' enclosure with some hardy, aesthetic plants (like some pothos, bromeliads, and I'm going to try planting some lucky bamboo in the water feature- see how quickly that gets destroyed). They're one of my dream animals, something I always wanted to own, so I'm definitely pouncing on the opportunity once space is no longer a concern.

Both genders I find to be absolutely stunning, although while amazing little critters, I just think that because they're typically not a "hold me" sort of lizard and that they have huge space requirements deters most people.
All good points. I just like the blue the males can sometimes develop and a properly developed plume looks amazing.

Ever see one run across water in person? One of the neatest things I have ever seen.
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Old 08-11-15, 08:24 AM   #5
Tiny Boidae
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Re: Any Advice?


Not in person, no. To be frank, I've never seen one in person period XD

Never in a zoo, never at an expo, just never. It's something I hope to see though out of this animal, which is why a good amount of the floor space will be a shallow water area

The males do look breathtaking, and I've seen some on Google images that'll make most other keepers green with envy. The females are no ugly duckling though, and since I'm getting a hatchling, I'm not going to complain either way as far as gender is concerned.
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